How I Wrote: “Loser”

“LOSER” Cover Art / Click to Listen!

“LOSER” Cover Art / Click to Listen!

The first elements of “Loser” came to be when my friends and I were honestly listening to 2000s Miranda Cosgrove songs and talking crap about men. It came at a time when I think we were all in a funny mood and we were just joking around writing the song, not really expecting much. My songwriting has always been brutally honest and tongue and cheek and this song definitely backs that up.


The process was super casual because I was working with two of my good friends Zach Fogarty and John Michael. We were literally just drinking and destroying men for hours. Then when the song was finished we played it over and over, dancing around the room and we were like wait this is actually pretty good. Now that it's completed and ready for the world to hear, I want people to blast this song in their rooms and cars when they are trying to get over someone that doesn't deserve them. I wish I had this song back in the day to give me a confidence boost when I was stuck on some loser.

Now looking back at it, we made “Loser” about those types of people you date that just really really suck. It’s kind of like a realization of how low you’ve stooped for them. I wanted to make a fun anthem about it, and something I wish I could’ve blasted in my car or bedroom when I was getting over some horrible dudes. It was the most fun I’ve had in a session probably ever because we were just laughing the whole time, making jokes that we put in the song. 


As for the music video, that’s a bit of a different story. I love Wong Kar Wai films and I try to take a bit of his vibes in all my videos. There’s also a very grungy DIY aesthetic to the visuals, which I’m a big fan of. I graduated from film school and have always been obsessed with horror films. So I was strangely excited to make this video and to be made a bloody mess. My favorite part was just running the streets of New York in the middle of the summer looking like a complete psycho. People were terrified, I think a kid even started crying at one point. In the end, I wanted to make the clip cinematic, which I feel is missing in a lot of music videos coming out these days. My ultimate goal is to make an album that feels something like a movie. Having that beginning, middle, and end vibe. Maybe even a full record that is divided into chapters and making up one full narrative. I just want to do something different and take my love for film and have it crossover into the music I’m now making.




Andreas Owens