
The artist talks “Cautious,” evolving her sound, and more!


Cassidi’s songs never miss – Through a professional career that spans over four years, the artist has amazed listeners with her powerful songwriting and pristine vocals. Each one of her releases truly introduces a different soundscape; from the chilled-out reverbs heard in “Stupid Boys” to the Pop/RnB vibe of “special,” there remains a distinct fluidity within Cassidi’s music.

“I am always open to just writing and releasing whatever comes to me / feels right,” she said. “If that art happens to exist within the plain of other genres - that’s fine with me!”

Known for her emotional lyricism, the artist never falls flat in delivering her truths; this latest single, “Cautious,” is no different, which was written in reference to her yearning for better days. We recently spoke to Cassidi about the new single, the ways in which her sound has changed, and more!

Cassidi! Thanks for speaking with us today – first of all, congrats on the new song! So so good; How are you feeling now that it's out?

Thank you so much - I’m feeling incredible! This song was such a long time coming for me.

Walk us through the inspiration behind the track!

The inspo for “Cautious” was heavily influenced by my life at the time - I wasn’t myself and could sense that. I was caught up in this repetitive self-sabotaging behavior & couldn’t break out of it. I was living in the Carolinas at the time, and on weekends everyone always used to go to this bar on the beach. I remember turning 22 at that bar and having no idea why I was still such a fucking wreck. I was struggling heavily with my anxiety and wasn’t writing barely at all at that time, so when I wrote “Cautious” - everything I had gone into it.

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Was there anything different about your creative process this time around?

My creative process was a bit different this time around - I was and am so attached to this record. Writing and producing it was precious, and I worked with one of my best friends (Zeno Pitarelli) on it because I knew his production & dedication post-production would capture exactly what I wanted to convey. At 23, I’m writing every single day. But at that point in time, it was one of the only songs I wrote in an entire year.

Your 2021 catalog includes a cover of Rihanna’s “What’s My Name” – which is unreal, by the way! Who are some other artists that you credit for shaping your sound?

Thank you so much! I feel so honored that people think I’ve done the record justice. Most of the artists I attribute to shaping my sound are completely iconic, powerhouse women. I’ve always been deeply rooted in my love for soul and RnB, so I obsessively would learn songs by Etta James, Nina Simone, Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston, and more currently - Adele, Ariana Grande, etc. Women who just absolutely make people stop in their tracks.

With that said, you’ve been releasing your songs for four years now! What would you say has changed most about your music?

I love this question. Off the bat, I was releasing music that I definitely liked - but writing and articulating the production solely in a way that I thought was what I thought people wanted to hear. Jumping to 2020, my song “Stupid Boys” blew up. That is the first time in my career that I put zero filter on my writing and artistry. I was fresh out of a long-term breakup. I was broken, but I allowed the song to just exist out of my brokenness. It is the best thing I have ever done for myself - and I haven't watered myself down since.

Which is one song, by another artist, that best describes your life right now?

If I had to choose, “Perfect Places” by Lorde. Since moving to LA, I’ve found solace in understanding that everybody is here searching for the same thing, just with different names for it all. Everybody (including myself) is scrambling for work and life and fun, trying to find the perfect place for themselves. But at some point, you slow down & have to understand that there’s no such thing. The day-to-day - that’s what’s perfect.

Do you ever encounter writer’s block? If so, how do you overcome that?

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Writer’s block is a tricky one! I have to sort of play mind games with myself to make sure it never happens. I really think it’s been important for me to practice writing as a craft to the point that I’m able to structure songs in session work etc. - no matter the blockage in my brain. That being said, it’s also about just having grace with myself. I write when I need to get something on paper. Granted, that’s often - so I’m fortunate. But it’s all a brain game for sure! Just be compassionate with yourself.

You're for your chilled-out indie-pop hits, but have you ever thought of venturing into a completely different genre? If so, which one?

For sure! I am always open to just writing and releasing whatever comes to me / feels right. If that art happens to exist within the plain of other genres - that’s fine with me!

What are some things you like to do outside of the studio?

Outside of the studio - I love just existing within moments that remind me I’m alive. For me, that’s driving at nighttime, sitting at a view of the city, hiking, swimming in the ocean, drinking really good coffee, dancing, just dopamine rushes. I went too long of a time where I wasn’t fully enjoying the moments I was given - so it’s my goal now!

Is there any moment in your career that still feels surreal to you?

My first song to hit one million streams was the most surreal I’ve ever felt - I remember being alone in my apartment in New York and just being so grateful for something so beautiful to have come from the worst experiences I’ve had.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

The best piece of advice I’ve ever received was that numbers mean nothing. Your value as a human being or an artist comes from you simply existing. You don't need validation from any outside circumstance. Just do what comes naturally and it'll come to you.

You’ve had such a terrific career so far. Who do you owe your biggest thanks to? What can fans expect from you in 2021?

I owe my absolute biggest thanks to my best friend/producer Zeno Pitarelli, and my manager Chandler Chruma. Zeno has worked on basically everything with me since my first release. He was here when there were no streams, no big numbers, no label interests. Yet, he has remained the same supportive, genuine talent and friend through every piece of what is becoming my career. My manager Chandler - was one of the first people to believe in me genuinely from the beginning. She has put her absolute heart and soul into developing my career, along with putting her life on hold for me more times than I can count. She possesses the most commendable talent regarding every part of her professional work and is an exceptional friend. I simply wouldn’t be where I am without their friendship & support.

From 2021, my supporters can expect a ton of new development in my work. I feel myself carrying this newfound confidence and excitement for life. Also - hopefully, some live shows! I am so stoked for this year.

When Cassidi makes it to LA, ________________. (If you’re not there already!)

I made it to LA officially! BUT to finish the sentence, she's starting fresh.


Natalie Claro

