Sydney native SADBOii is a production one man band. The Australian artist not only sings, but also writes, produces, and is even a creative director, encompassing almost all parts of the music industry solo. With only the beginnings of a successful career, SADBOii’s already made a name for himself: His debut single, “Nothing,” which premiered this year, already has over 560k streams on Spotify. And, he’s even remixed it, producing the less digitized version (“Nothing (Stripped)”) in mid May. With only one song out, SADBOii’s sound is still clear: upbeat indie pop, a stark contrast to the sad nature of his lyrics. We recently spoke with the up and coming musician (and practically everything else) about the nuances of his hit single, his future musical endeavors, and more!

How did you get started making music?

I started writing music when I was nine and taught myself guitar and piano at around 14. I guess every year since, I’ve wanted to learn something new and exciting. It started with production and a bunch of different styles and techniques and now it’s gotten to 3D rendering and animation. I just love how with passion and YouTube, we can learn anything these days.

In a little over a month, your debut single has grossed over 410k streams on Spotify. How does that feel?

Honestly it’s hekken crazy :)! There’s a long way to go, but it’s so so amazing to have a start like this, releasing a song that means so much to me that so many people have listened to and enjoyed. It means the world to me, a very HAPPYBOii indeed!

What’s “Nothing” about? Can you walk us through its production process? 

“Nothing” is a song really close to my heart. It’s a song about owning who you are, especially for me, owning my mental health and striving to make a change so I could finally truly let people in. We are so much better surrounded by those we love. I started “Nothing” just finding a cool 80’s style pluck synth and vibed around with chords. I absolutely love finding the right chords that just bring melodies and lyrics out of me. I actually wrote the pre-chorus first and then built the production around it, keeping it upbeat with lots of different 16th accents. After working on the production for a few months, I mixed it with my friends from Vienna People, Michael McGlynn and David Richards. Then Klaus Hill jumped on the master. DREAM TEAM!

In a world in which the Internet wasn’t able to help jumpstart the career of young artists such as yourself, how would you have tried to get the word about your music out? 

Ooft big one! I absolutely LOVE playing live and traveling the earth, so I think that’s exactly what I’d do! Just travel round playing my music and meeting new astronauts!

Out of every artist who’s ever lived, who’s your top choice for a collab? 

That’s so massive... To be honest, I think I’d absolutely love to write with Dave Le'aupepe from Gang of Youths. His lyricism is second to none at the moment and his ability to create these beautiful anthems that speak to our generation is something I really look up to.

What do you like to do when you’re not making music?

I absolutely love seeing the people I love, they are everything to me. Apart from that, I love watching science documentaries and playing soccer too!

With only one single out, you’ve got practically your whole career in front of you. What’s next?

Glad you asked! A whoooooole lot to come! I have my second single “Nah Yeh” coming out this Friday, the 24th of July, and as soon as we can play live shows again, that will be happening. Picture a whole lot of lights and projections and just all around fun with my guitarist and drummer :). Haha I’m so excited just thinking about it.



