
A collective is not just an artist, but a lifestyle, a brand. Well, it’s time to meet LA’s next: CMMND. CMMND is not just music. The music is the product of okay coleman!, seiji oda, and sleepyboybryan, but CMMND goes farther than that. CMMND is fashion, CMMND is photography, CMMND is graphic design, and CMMND is even videography. They’re like an infinity-trick pony. The other three members of the group, Syd, Bamidele, and Karl Perkins, take care of the behind-the-scenes aspects of CMMND, but seeing as we are, after all, a music magazine, we’ll be focusing more on the sound of the group, which was started at UCLA. With mellow choruses, smooth, witty, lyrical raps for the verses, and an utterly lucid beat, CMMND’s music is perfect for any occasion, from a party to a night drive to a night in with friends. Their latest release, “Celica (Show Me Luv)” is out now! We recently spoke to the group about a typical day in the studio, their advice for those who want to follow in their footsteps, and more!

Let’s start with an introduction. How did the collective get together?

We all met at UCLA, we were brought together by KP (Karl Perkins) who was friends with all of us. He saw all the creative things each of us was doing and wanted to make something out of it. Each of us has a different medium of art we work with whether it be music, fashion, photography, videography, graphic design, or even creative direction. Despite this, we all still give creative input to the others even if their medium isn’t our area of specialty. Cross-pollination between these different areas of art is what drives CMMND as a collective. We wanted the group to represent the motto of “everyone is creative” and we saw that by incorporating different artistic mediums into one group we were able to do so.

Walk us through a typical day in the studio.

Our creative process is always different because our individual artistic processes and approaches to music differ. Because of this diversity though, I think we are always able to come up with something novel and exciting for all of us. In terms of instrumentation and production, Seiji works very on the spot and off of feel, while Coleman works off of concepts and often will have fully fleshed out ideas coming into a session. Bryan is the tastemaker and will often have input on the beats even if he’s not behind the computer. For lyrics, we usually write together in the room and try to have a set concept, throwing ideas back and forth to push each other to come up with new content.

Has the pandemic affected your creative process at all? How so?

We work very collaboratively so being unable to work in person definitely has its challenges. I think it has forced each of us to take more initiative about starting ideas and sending them back and forth to one another. It’s often hard to get inspired when you’re just opening up an email compared to really sitting in the room with someone, but we’ve made it work by being more aware of each other’s styles and strengths and building something cohesive from many different parts.


What does CMMND stand for?

CMMND is to “command”... to have control over your narrative and creative life. We want everyone to know that they are creative and be in touch with that. We want to be a brand/entity that represents a new generation where creativity has become one of the most important traits to their identity.

“Celica (Show Me Luv)” is phenomenal, congrats on the release! What was the inspiration behind the track? How do you feel the new track differs from your previous releases?

Seiji made a beat called Celica that was likely inspired by his muse, his trustee 1998 model Toyota Corolla...It’s because of this, “Celica”’s vibe was maintained once Coleman and Bryan got a hold of it. “Celica” is, simply put, a feel-good song created intentionally to be listened to in-car rides, groups of friends, and to make people feel good about what they have regardless of perceived status. ((Symbolically, the song comes to life as something that decenters hip hop’s glorified image of expensive cars and things and replaces it with an honest, humble, 2005 Toyota Celica. It’s an “I’ll flex whatever I got” type of vibe and it didn’t take the artists much for it to come together sonically.))

Do you ever find it nerve-wracking to drop new music? Why or why not?

Always. On top of all the planning and preparation that goes into it, you never know how people will react. You’re essentially baring your soul to complete strangers so it’s definitely something that makes us all nervous. I think it’s in a good way though, that pressure is what makes us work harder and be more creative with our rollouts and promotion when we do drop music.


Who are the four acts you’re including on the Mount Rushmore of music collectives and why?

We only got 3. Wu-Tang- they are just the goat. The way every artist on their own solo project was made and the impact they made on just being WU-TANG. Their business acumen as well as something to strive for. ASAP - the way they have an artistic style is not just their music but fashion and visual arts is what made it dope. Odd Future - Really one of them just the first to be kind of an oddball collective. Where it seems organic and just a ragtag group of friends that created something special.

What do you feel is an essential quality of every CMMND song? Who are you teaming up with for a dream collaboration?

Every CMMND song gives off a nostalgic ring. Through the music, we try to introduce new and creative thought, whether it be something super nonchalant or super perceptive, and texture it with a familiar feel. That way the music is refreshing or thought-provoking while also maintaining its CMMND energy. That sauce. Honestly, I feel like teaming up with Jodeci on an r&b/hip hop mix-up would be elite.

“Celica (Show Me Luv)” Album Artwork / Click to Listen!

“Celica (Show Me Luv)” Album Artwork / Click to Listen!

What is one thing that most people don’t know about you? If y'all could have one superpower, what would that be and why? What is the best piece of advice that you’ve received?

sleepyboybryan: most people don’t know that I really don’t f*ck with boats. I’m good off boats. If I could have one superpower, it would for sure be teleportation. You can’t beat it fr, I’m here and I’m there. You could damn near fly if you keep teleporting in the sky. I’m doing all types of things. The best piece of advice that I’ve received is you gotta love yourself and mean it.

seiji oda: If I could have one superpower, it would be flying. The best advice I’ve received is that you do everything how you do anything.

okay coleman!: Most people don’t know I used to work for the city of Pasadena. If I could have any superpower, I would be psychic because I feel like I could really help people. The best advice I’ve received was that you have no gift unless you unpack it.

And what advice would you give to an up-and-coming artist looking to follow in your footsteps?

Never be afraid to try new styles and learn something new. You gotta take yourself seriously and believe in yourself before you can expect anyone to take you seriously.

What can we expect from CMMND in 2021?

More growth artistically and new ways to present our work. People can expect more music and more clothes. We got some stuff on ice for the world.




scott is okay