Nina Chuba

Photo Credit: Rico Zartner

Photo Credit: Rico Zartner

Nina Chuba, a German artist based in Berlin, says “[she doesn’t] really care about genres,” a statement that proves true after listening to her work. Sampling from an eclectic range of styles, Chuba has used her wide appeal to saunter her way to prominence, a trend that started with her 2019 debut single, “White Shirt.” Releasing five more singles since then, the singer/songwriter has earned herself close to 4.9 million Spotify streams, 3.4 million of which stem from her most recent song “King”. Chuba’s unique vocals paired with masterful production is a testament to her streaming success and continued rise in the music industry. We recently spoke with the up and coming artist about the meaning behind some of her songs, how she spends her time away from work, and more!

How did you get started making music?

I started playing the piano when I was seven and at thirteen I found out that I could sing. Before I moved to Berlin at end of 2018, I used to sing and write songs for my former band. I never really saw music as something I could do as a job; it always seemed so far away. Berlin has definitely been a door opener for me. A producer heard my music one day and wanted to meet up for a session. That’s when it all started. 

“King” just exploded in the past month. What has it been like to achieve such success?

It’s so crazy. I didn't expect it to get so many streams after such a short period of time. It feels kinda unreal that so many people have listened to something that me and the other writers/producers have created. I am also really happy to have it done with Pablo Bravas and Selected.

“Lips Shut” has such a unique vibe. What was behind making the track?

When Morten Aamodt (my co-writer and producer) and I wrote that song last year, I wasn’t in a good state of mind. Back then I really struggled with the “Impostor syndrome”. I still tend to question myself a lot and I am very critical when it comes to my work or my achievements. “Lips Shut” is about my inner me being my worst enemy. I am my own biggest critic, which sometimes makes it impossible to meet the high expectations I’m setting on myself. 

If you weren’t a singer, what would you want to be?

I think I would be an actress, since I’ve been doing it for a long time now. But nothing comes close to making music.

It’s collab time: who are you making a song with?

I’d love to collab with Sevdaliza. Everything she does is so special and different. I love her songs and their meanings and I love love love her music videos. She is real art.

What do you like to do when you’re not making music?

I love sunsets with my friends, laying in the park, being in the nature. Sometimes I go running, but that’s rare haha. 

Any future projects for fans to get excited about?

There’s a lot to come. The first EP is just the beginning. I have so many songs that I wanna put out and I can’t wait to share them. Also I hope I’ll be able to put out some music videos. Stay tuned!


Zach Oliver


Jordan De La Cruz