Dreamer Boy

Dream Boy

Dreamer Boy is not just an artist: It’s a project. Headed vocally by Zachary Arthur Taylor with Bobby Knepp serving as a producer, Cody Clark as a manager, and Adam Alonzo as a creative director, the foursome’s unique style is remarkably hard to pinpoint. Take “Lavender,” for example. Dreamer Boy dishes out to us, first, a soul-fused funk beat before transitioning to hip hop and then indie pop, followed by a harmonious blend of the prior three. Taylor’s vocals remain of the highest echelon of quality, might I add, and the song, like all of their others, goes about this genre-transition seamlessly. Plunging into the industry in 2018 with a couple of singles and their debut album Love, Nostalgia, Dreamer Boy has amassed tens of millions of streams on Spotify alone, due in part to their new single “Crybaby,” released October 7th. We recently spoke with Zachary Arthur Taylor of Dreamer Boy about the advice he’d give his younger self, where we can catch him on his day off, and more!

How did you get started making music?

I started making music when I was in high school by setting a RockBand video game microphone in my friend's basement and covering rap songs. I then started writing my own songs to beats online, then once I made my friend Bobby in college we started making music together and it blossomed into a sound that was truly authentic to myself.

You saw great success with only your second single, "Falling for the Wrong One." What was it like getting this kind of reception so early?

Honestly, at the time, my friends and I were just giddy with the excitement of releasing the music we had worked so long on making, that at this point it seemed so fulfilling already, then to see that that song was playlisted we were all jumping around celebrating. One of my favorite moments of the journey so far.

What has changed most for you musically since then?

I have been diving way deeper into the songwriting process, writing often. I also think Bobby and I are choosing a lot more diverse palettes of instrumentation that is giving us a unique sound. It has been a fun exploration.

Let's talk about "Crybaby". First of all congratulations-- it's a fantastic song. What inspired the track?

It was a time of growing, but I had to let myself grow, I was holding on to too many things. I took some mushrooms and had a really long cry on FaceTime with a friend who I missed dearly. I felt like it was much needed. I really was inspired by my friendships at the time, and the person I loved moving to Paris and not having the words to tell them I loved them. I felt like life was moving so fast and I couldn’t slow it down.

What is your typical songwriting process like? How has the pandemic affected this process?

I usually am writing every day, thoughts here and there without any real structure or pressure to rhyme or be lyrical, rather just soul searching what is on my heart that day. I usually then go into the studio with bobby and we construct instrumentals that I either just riff on melodically with no lyrics yet or start trying to piece together my thoughts and notes from that week or day into the song. It usually takes about 2 sessions with a song for me to feel like I know what the song needs to say but sometimes it all comes together in one session… Those are the special ones. I live for those days.

If you could say one thing to your younger self, what would it be?


What is the perfect occasion to listen to Dreamer Boy?

I would say that during the time before the pandemic it would be towards the end of a night with friends/party when people are just gathering in someone's bedroom or around speakers and everyones just intently listening to music. I think during the pandemic if you can go on a walk or run outside, that would be the perfect time. Embrace the present moment.

If there was only one song you could perform for the rest of your life, which would it be and why?

I would want to perform a song that is not out yet, but it is definitely more of a songwriter cut, very low energy but full of encouragement and imagery that resonates with my spirit. It would just be me and a guitar and Bobby on steel pedal.

What can we catch you doing on your day off?

Either painting, playing basketball, watching the Seahawks play on Sunday, or hanging with my partner, eating good food, hikes, meditations and prayer is also important for me.

Who do you owe your biggest thanks to?

My friends, family, and God! I feel so blessed!

What's next for Dreamer Boy?

Well, I have a lot of music coming out over the next few months that is really exciting. I have been making a lot of music during the pandemic as well, so 2021-2022 is going to be so exciting! I am also curious to build some sort of a community with my friends and fans and truly make a difference. I'm opening my ears and eyes to see how that could happen. All The Ways We Are Together is the name of my project/album and it means so much to me to be able to share pieces of it so far! 


