Emma G


Usually, it takes an artist time to develop a rapport with their listener, especially to the point of near-instant aural recognition. Two songs into her discography, however, and Emma G has already done it. A distinct mix of impressive pop vocals set to a hip hop-centric beat, an Emma G song is sure to get you hooked and wanting for more. Based in Nashville, the 21-year-old artist made her debut this year with her single “Like You,” and has already racked up an impressive 21.7+k monthly listeners on Spotify alone. And, her large following on social media has gifted her with the ability to reach the ears of fans worldwide. We recently spoke to the up-and-coming artist about the inspiration behind her newest single “Leveling Up,” Nashville’s influence on her music style, and more!


Emma! Thanks for speaking with us and congrats on the latest release! How are you feeling now that “Leveling Up” is out?

It feels wonderful! Truth be told, I get nervous before a release goes out into the world. 

Can you walk us through the inspiration for the track?

I was originally writing this song for Kehlani, however, the more I continued to write it, the more I fell in love with it!

This is only your second release, the first being “Like You!” Was there anything different in terms of your musical process this time around?

Funny story, no not all. I made both “Like You” and “Leveling Up” within a week of each other. My musical process is to find a beat I like, hone in on the melody, freestyle the lyrics, and record the vocals in my home studio. That’s where all those magical harmonies are born! They’re only just now being released and it’s so fun hearing everyone’s reactions to them. 

And where do you typically draw inspiration from?

Inspiration comes from everywhere! My biggest inspirations, the artists I look up to, are Ariana Grande and Chris Brown. 

Which Emma G lyric best describes your life right now?

“Switchin’ it up…” [from “Leveling Up]! All of my songs that are coming out have different vibes and I want to give listeners a taste of all the different styles I can really do. 


Say you’re in charge of a music festival. Which three artists are you choosing to headline the event?

Me, myself, and I! Haha. Emma G, Ariana Grande, and Chris Brown– I literally LOVE performing and I think that would be one hell of a musical festival. 

So you’re living in Nashville now! How has it been since the move and would you say that moving there affected your musical style at all?

Moving to Nashville has been great. It helped me realize what I am not! I am definitely NOT a country singer. Nashville is a great place to write, and grow as an artist, and create relationships with people on the business side of things. 

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

I worked with Paul Worley for a while. He was a wonderful mentor and told me “Be patient and never doubt your gift!”

What are some things you like to do outside of the studio?

Outside the studio, I like to work out and hang out with friends.

What can fans expect from you for the rest of 2021?

For the rest of 2021, I am going to go hard releasing music and content. I want to capture the ears of the music industry and keep them wanting more.

When Emma G makes it to LA, ______________.

When Emma G makes it to LA, she’ll build a shelf to put all her Grammy’s on! ;)




Malcolm Da Kid