

Fabich is a London and Berlin-based DJ and producer reinventing electronic music. His intricate sound design and instrumentation are serving to redefine house and funk music today, featuring soul vocals on synthesizers, and consequently giving off an infectious whimsicality. He admires The Neptunes for progressing their sound with continuous relevance and a recognizable sound, and by following his growth from local parties to 600,000+ Spotify monthly listeners, he’s evidently starting to carve a niche in the industry. Fabich’s self-described “crossover” in his beats becomes apparent by tracing his influences, which are eclectic enough to propel his production for other artists into a solo career. His revival of the music his own parents were grooving to is something to keep us eagerly awaiting his newest project, set to release next January. We recently spoke with Fabich discussing parkour, The Neptunes, and more!

How did you get started making music?

I started DJing at local parties and from there went on to produce my own ideas when I was still going to school. From there I started connecting with other producers and singers online and had my first official release producing for Warner Music Artist Lyfe Jennings shortly after which also charted on the Billboard R&B Chart. This gave me the courage to pursue music as a career. While at university I did a few internships in the music industry where I also learnt a lot about the business.

Has your upbringing influenced your musical style at all? How so? 

I guess so as I was always exposed to a lot of different genres and influences in my childhood home! From Motown to hip hop and dance music! My mother worked for a big radio station so she would always bring home promo CDs and take me to a lot of concerts, that was amazing. My Dad is really into classical music, so through him I was exposed to a lot of that style of music. What I try to do with my own music now really is to combine everything I love into something new and fresh.

Walk us through your typical songwriting process. 

Normally in a session we start with a cup of coffee or a walk and just talk about what we have been up to lately and what currently inspires us. At some point we get comfortable in the studio and start messing around with some drums or chords or a vocal idea. Once we like something we take it from there and at that point the song just happens quite naturally. It all depends on how we feel on that day and what we want to express, there’s no formula really!

Who are some artists that have helped shape your sound?

Growing up I was (and still am) a massive fan of the Neptunes. They have done so much great music during the years and it’s inspiring how they managed to stay relevant whilst you can always hear it’s Pharrell’s and Chad’s work.

Describe your music in just three words.

Fun, laidback, crossover

Congrats on the release of Love Stories. Were you going for anything different when creating the new project?

On this project we didn’t have any rules at all. We just went with the flow and enjoyed the process and this is what came out. We also worked with a lot of amazing musicians for this project, something I haven’t done to this extended. Bringing this project to life was a lot of fun, the fika guys are awesome!

Which song took you the longest the complete and why? 

I would say probably “Mean” as it has a lot of different parts and musical changes throughout the song! It was also fun getting my friend Bambi in for her spoken word part, something I haven’t done before and also heard often in other songs.

What has been your proudest achievement thus far? 

Just being able to do what I love daily and not having to sacrifice on my vision is probably what I’m most proud of.

Share a secret talent that you have.

At some point in my childhood, parkour was a big thing and I can still do a wall flip. :D

What can we catch you doing on your day off?

When I’m not doing music I like to cook, do fitness, check out an interesting art exhibition and I also like to read a lot or listen to podcasts.

Who do you owe your biggest thanks to?

My parents and the awesome folks at Unity (my team) for always believing in the vision!

What’s next for Fabich?

I’m currently in the process of wrapping up my debut LP which is coming out starting next January. I’ve got some amazing features on there and can’t wait to get it out into the world. Other than that some more house tunes that I’ve been working on with my friend Revelle. It’s amazing to be able to combine both, music for daytime and also music that I can play out in my DJ sets!


Beth Million


Gabi Sklar