Hannah Gross

Photo Credit: Noemi Gonzales

Photo Credit: Noemi Gonzales

Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter Hannah Gross makes music from the heart— the artist uses personal life experiences to create her unique indie-pop soundscapes. She made her professional debut last year with her song “Fuck the Party”, a song that has proven to be the artists’ most successful release to date, earning over 110k Spotify streams. The track lays out her feelings on top of a catchy and melodic beat, a trend that can be seen in her other releases. Both “Birthday” and her newest song, “Tell Me”, are stellar; both not only serve as great examples of indie pop, but give the artist a personality that separates her from the rest. Hannah has impressed with just three songs; the artist currently has nearly 150k streams on Spotify and 5k monthly listeners. We recently spoke to Hannah about her personal music, what she does on her days off, and more!

How did you get started making music?

I’ve been singing since I was a little girl, but I used to be *extremely* shy about it. I started to write my own songs in high school. I’d come home after school (sometimes would just skip school and come home early) and play on the piano in my basement. Granted I didn’t know how to play piano, but I’d mess around with certain chords and try to write along to it. I remember writing a lot about boys in high school--ah, teenage angst and heartbreak. 

Your music seems to be deeply emotional. What effect does making music have on your personal life?

I often draw from the past when I’m writing music--for example, “Tell Me” is about an ex. I definitely feel somewhat bad for my exes because I will forever draw from those relationships, but hey, you knew what you were getting into when you started dating a singer/songwriter ahahah. 

Tell us about a real-life experience that inspired a song. 

All of my songs are from real-life experiences. One time I was dating a guy and I totally forgot it was his birthday because I was so anxious about my exes birthday, which happened to be the day after. That entire incident inspired “Birthday” and I’ve been dating the guy (whose birthday I forgot) for three years...needless to say I remember it now ahahah 

What can we catch you doing on your day off?

I tend to pack my schedule up to the brim...probably to escape my anxiety, but i’ll take it. You can catch me working out, hanging with friends, or having some wine and weed on the couch while watching shit tv. 

How has quarantine affected your ability to make music?

Quarantine really put a damper on music for me, at least for the first several months. I was just so saddened and afraid for the world that I didn’t feel inclined to create. I tried virtual zoom sessions, but the reason why i love making music is to get that in-person connection, and i feel like facetime just totally loses the allure.

What is one good thing that has happened to you in 2020?

Releasing “Tell Me” has been a highlight, for sure. 

Which song would be your favorite to perform live and why?

I have a few songs that are unreleased that I absolutely love performing live. I haven’t performed “Tell Me” on stage and I cannot wait to do so. 

Share a secret talent that you have.

I can tell you everything there is to know about Harry Potter. 

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?

I’d love to fly. That way I tell LA traffic to fuck off and then I can visit my family in Michigan whenever I want. Hi Momma, I miss you.

Who do you owe your biggest thanks to?

My parents, no doubt. They are my biggest supporters.

What's next for Hannah Gross?

A music video may be in the works….you’ll have to wait and see :) 


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