
Smoke out_Jorja.jpeg

Hoosh brings a novel, versatile sound to the industry that displays raw emotions and lyrical ingenuity. Blending hip-hop, R&B, soul, and a multitude of other influences, the artist continues to experiment and evolve with his music. His 30K+ monthly listeners and an ever-growing fanbase can attest to that, with many having been loyal since 2018’s “Foolish.” The song now has over 4 million streams today. Other singles, like "Nights" and "Kabasa," have racked up similar numbers, proving that he isn't just a one-hit-wonder. Today saw the release of his first, full-length album everything's going to be alright, marking a pivotal change in the artist’s musical direction. With just 8 songs, he gives us everything and more, coming out to 23 minutes of consistent and enjoyable music that comes straight from his heart. We recently spoke with the artist about the inspiration for his latest project, career advice, and more! Scroll down below to read our full Q&A!

Hey Hoosh! Thank you for speaking with us. First of all, congrats on the EP – it’s phenomenal. How are you feeling now that it’s finally out?

Thank you yo that means the world to me. I appreciate you guys taking the time to listen. Bruhhh I can’t even explain. It’s like a big weight was lifted off my chest. Every song was so heavily drawn from personal experience that I grew attached to the tape. I guess that’s why it feels so surreal to finally be done. Right now I’m just doing my best not to think about or listen to the project until it’s released to avoid the ‘late to my own party’ vibes. 

This project really introduces a new sound from you. What made you decide to take this direction with your music?

It’s funny because I wasn’t trying to take it in any particular direction. I just sat with the beats on an individual level and tried to make the best possible songs. It was only after I’d come up with the bulk of the material, that I had any inkling there would be a project. Somehow the songs all fit perfectly together.  

What was the recording process like this time around? How did it compare to your previous projects?

The biggest difference this time around was engineering my own sessions. Going from having someone track me to doing it solo definitely took adjustments. It made me learn a lot about myself and how to maximize my recording output. 

Were there any songs that took longer to finish than the others? Do you have a favorite track off the EP?

Yessir. I think from a standpoint of recording ‘jorja’ took the longest. I was so particular in how I wanted it to sound that I needed to nail every part. I had to learn the hard way that perfectionism was a double edge sword. So much so, I changed my approach to the remainder of the songs. 

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Do you have a favorite track off the EP?

As far as favorites that also might be ‘jorja’ but ‘the kids’ always hits me the hardest.

What’s one piece of advice that you’d tell your younger self?

I’d say stop stressing! Focus on what’s in your control and pray on the rest. Look to be overwhelmed as that’s a sign you’re near improvement. 

Who do you owe your biggest thanks to?

I owe my biggest thanks to Mido. Apart from all he already does for me as my manager and business partner, he produced 5 of the beats on the project and handles most of my content. Anyone who knows me knows you don’t get a fully functioning me without Mido.  

What else can we expect from Hoosh in 2021? When Hoosh makes it to LA., _____________.

A whollllllle lotta gang shit. Over the last couple of months, I’ve gained a hunger I’ve never had before and I haven’t even started yet. I can’t wait for the world to hear what’s in store. 

When Hoosh makes it to LA, I’m skipping the line at Roscoe’s.

“you know me” Album Artwork / Click to Listen!

“you know me” Album Artwork / Click to Listen!


The China Blue
