jame minogue

Is 10/10 With Latin-Infused Single “Hate Being In Love”


By Ken Tse

jame minogue’s new anti-love song is an instant classic for fans of infectiously catchy indie-pop music. “Hate Being In Love”, the first single from the artist’s forthcoming EP Principe Azul is a Salsa-inspired banger brimming with timeless melodies and superb lyricism. Worldy songwriting is seemingly second nature to the artist, who remains heavily influenced by his Dominican-Irish background. The East Coast native made it to LA shortly after attending Berklee College of Music, from which he dropped out to pursue music full-time. Now, he looks forward to putting together music that “anyone in the world can bop to.” We spoke to the artist about the recent move, his musical influences, and “redefining global pop.”

Hi Jame! Thanks so much for speaking with us and congrats on the recent release! It is stellar. Can you walk us through the inspiration for the “Hate Being In Love”?

Thanks so much for taking the time to chat and I’m so glad you like the single! For a while, I had been thinking that it would be dope to write an anti-love song. As much as I am a sucker for romance and fairytales, I wanted to challenge myself and escape that world.        

It’s been said that you are “redefining global pop”, and we couldn’t agree more. What role has your cultural upbringing played in shaping your sound?

It’s definitely a lot to take in haha. But I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a major goal for me. My culture has impacted every part of my sound. I grew up around so much Dominican and Latin music in general as well as Irish music. I started playing music when I was seven and my parents made music a huge part of everything we did as a family. I love the idea of making music that anyone in the world can bop to.                 

Not too long ago, you made a significant transition from Massachusetts to Los Angeles. What have been the biggest differences between the East Coast and West Coast lifestyles?

I grew up in New Jersey and went to college in Massachusetts, but soon after, I indeed made the move to Los Angeles. I would say California brings you the best of many worlds. We got the beach, mountains, desert, and even snowboarding in the winter. But nothing beats East Coast pizza and Dominican food.                   

What inspired a young Jame Minogue to begin making music? Was there a specific moment in which you decided to pursue music full time?

When I was around six years old, I was in NYC with my mom. These street performers were playing drums while we were waiting for the train and I was totally obsessed. I decided at that moment that I wanted to be a musician for the rest of my life. Once we got home, I picked a couple of branches off a tree and used them as drumsticks to bang on things in the house. I never stopped after that.

You’re currently working on Príncipe Azul, your sophomore EP. Is there any backstory behind the name of the project?

‘Principe Azul’ translates to ‘Prince Charming’ in English. I really wanted to make a project that deconstructs the myth of “prince charming”. It highlights the story of my own personal journey in realizing that love isn’t this “material thing” and that “Prince Charming” doesn’t actually exist. Love is much deeper than any of those things.                       

How will the songs off the EP differ from your previous releases?

With these new songs, I feel like I’ve really started to embrace my culture more than ever and step into my element. It’s also the first time in a long time that I’ve entered the studio with no boundaries and have just had pure fun haha

What is one thing that you want listeners to take away from your songs?

I’d love for everyone who listens to these songs to find their own meaning in them and just feel reminded that they’re not alone in what they’re going through.

Who are three other up-and-coming artists on your playlist at the moment?

Some up-and-coming artists I’m really loving right now are Michael Medrano, William Hinson, and Maye.

What has been the most surreal moment on your musical journey thus far?

The most surreal moment thus far in my journey has been listening to my music on Rebelde, a series on Netflix. That really made me realize the impact of what I’m doing.

What else can fans expect from you in 2022?

Fans can expect a saucy EP that makes them want to turn up, dance, and cry at the same time.



