Jordyn Simone

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For nearly two decades, singing TV shows (ie, American Idol) have introduced stars from Kelly Clarkson to Adam Lambert to Jennifer Hudson. And they seemingly have just done it again. Singer/songwriter Jordyn Simone was a figurehead on both American Idol and The Voice, a feat only accomplished by a select few. The artist has released 4 singles since her The Voice appearance, her debut single being “Intuition” and her most recent being “Drown.” The latter exudes a fresh perspective for the artist, who wrote the song about unapologetically being herself. The remarkable power in her voice continues to shine through all of her releases, which is a testament to her continued successes. Between her televised tenure, unique talent for lyricism, and that raw vocal talent, it’s only a matter of time before you see Simone again. We recently spoke to the rising star about how she got her start, what 2021 looks like for her, and more!

Hey Jordyn! Thanks for speaking with us – let’s start off with an introduction. Tell us a little bit about yourself and how did you start making music!

Hey guys! Thanks so much for having me. My name is Jordyn Simone and I’m born and raised in Los Angeles, California. I was raised in the church so I began singing at the age of 5 and never stopped. I grew up doing musical theater, studying jazz, and always having a passion and love for the R&B genre. I began releasing original music my freshman year of college, 2019, and am dedicated to making music that combines my many musical backgrounds and influences. For the past three years, I've been working on cultivating my sound and figuring out the best and most authentic way to create art that is presentative of me: bold, energetic, lively, and fun... with some hints of drama because I'm a theater kid at heart haha.

We love your newest single, “Drown.” How are we feeling now that it’s out?

Thank you! I’m actually super excited that it's out which is honestly surprising because I usually get the release blues. What I’ve felt from this release are gratitude and understanding. I've released music in the past that I’m proud of but something about this time around feels different. My intentions are stronger and now I feel like I have a true hold on how I want to showcase and represent myself in the music industry. Drown is the perfect embodiment of that and I’m glad that it’s the first single of a new era.

Can you walk us through the inspiration for the track?

The inspiration for “Drown” comes from embracing my womanhood. I just turned 21 this year and the adjustment of embracing my sensuality and femininity has been a very important journey for me. Drown represents being unapologetically myself and loving every aspect of my progression in all my relationships. “Baby don't drown on my drip” isn't just a line about having swag. It literally is a declaration to myself and the people around me that I can only be authentic myself so you gotta swim with me or get lost haha.

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What would you say makes this track different from your previous releases?

This release feels different because there’s a fresh perspective attached to it. I love how sassy and self-assured Drown feels compared to my other tracks.

With that said, can you share your creative process in terms of writing songs?

The creative process was so fun. Ncognita and I were in a writing session with TJ Wee and we all just started out the session with a conversation about how we were feeling about relationships. At the time, I was talking to this guy and something about our relationship gave me this sense of empowerment and boldness. So we decided to create a track around those emotions and from there, the words just started spilling out of Nita and I. Of course, we ended up altering and adjusting our initial interpretation of the song but in that first session, the words and the melodies flowed naturally through us.

Do you ever run into trouble getting the words out? What’s your remedy?

Writer’s block is definitely a real thing and most times my stubborn brain hates accepting that. But every time I’m spiraling, I’m lucky to have amazing musician friends that can help me get out of those ruts or give me the much-needed conversation so that I don’t need to rush the process and that the words will come to me in due time.

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One career high of many to come is your stint on The Voice. What’s your favorite memory from filming?

My experience on The Voice was very important for my individual journey. It is one that I’m glad I got to experience at such a young age and am grateful for the opportunity to showcase my passion on tv. I can't recall my favorite moment but it is something that I’m proud of myself for doing.

How do you think The Voice has helped you both as an artist and as a vocalist?

The Voice definitely helped me as a vocalist because of the vocal demand it called for. It was a challenge that I was happy to accept at the time. But I believe my artistry is individual to my personal growth and musical passions outside the realm of the show.

Who are some of your biggest influences outside of the music world?

My family is such a huge influence for me and not in one of those cheesy ways that seem like the easy answer. My parents and my sister have taught me everything that I know about power, resilience, and love. I have the most supportive and driven family anyone could ask for so much of my inspiration and influence lives within them.

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Who are you working with in your dream collab?

Pharrell, Kendrick, and Kanye, no question.

What are some things that you enjoy doing outside of the studio?

I enjoy journaling, going for walks (only if I can listen to music), cooking, and self-care days.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Hmm, that's a hard question. But I think that I am only as talented as I am willing to work hard. My drive is my force and if that ever leaves me I know I'm not doing what I was placed on this earth to do.

“Drown” Album Artwork / Click to Listen!

“Drown” Album Artwork / Click to Listen!

To whom do you owe your biggest thanks?

My sick-ass best friend and manager Liza Kaye!! She is a force and is just as crazy as me to accomplish all our goals. We are fully prepared to take over the industry haha.

What can Jordyn Simone fans expect in the future?

Ahh, there's so much to expect but what they'll get sooner than later is another single. She’s already done and gonna be out sometime this summer so stay tuned for that.

When Jordyn Simone makes it to LA, ______________. (If you’re not there already!)

Haha, I’m an LA native, baby. Been here and gonna stay here FOREVA!


Jake Wesley Rogers

