
Photo Credit: Cranchyou

Photo Credit: Cranchyou

There is no one quite like lilbootycall. After a string of early releases, the rapper exploded onto the music scene with his 2017 hit single “Sailor Moon.” The song gained significant viral traction and currently has over 18 million Spotify streams. His music is always guaranteed to please; crafty beats paired with his catchy hooks are what separates the artist from the rest. Lilbootycall also has a pleasantly melodic quality to it, heard especially in songs like “18k (with Juicy J)” and “Do or Die (feat. Liana Banks)”. The artist prides himself on making honest music, a formula that has certainly worked well in recent years. Over his relatively short time in the music industry, lilbootycall has collaborated with names like Cuco, GoldLink, and Astrus* and built up a following of over 350,000 monthly listeners. We recently spoke to the artist about his viral hit, a secret talent, and more!

How did you get started making music?

I got into making music just by freestyling with some friends on the south side of San Antonio. I’d always be over there hanging out with friends and listening to instrumentals on YouTube.

2017's "Sailor Moon" received an enormous viral response. Did you ever expect that kind of feedback when you released the song?

I did not expect that at all lol. Before that, I dropped two EP’s and hella songs and nothing ever popped off. The thing is that I dropped “Sailor Moon” and it only did 6,000 plays the first year, so it didn’t really really pop off until we dropped a music video a year later and then bam it went up!  

Your collaboration with Cuco and Kwe$t proved to be one of your most popular songs to date. What was it like working with the artists?

It was pretty chill. I think in 2017-2018 Cuco was on tour and he invited me out to a San Antonio show. I came to the venue, met him and everybody he was with and I was like, “Cool I’m backstage just hanging out,” and either him or someone else (I don’t remember too well) was like “Yo, you tryna perform tonight?” And I don’t remember if I was like “yeah” or like “I don’t know,” but I did it anyways and I performed in front of like 2,000 people, which was crazy as hell for me ‘cause I was doing shows of like 100 people lol. He invited me to Dallas to do another show and then told me to send him stuff to work on and then yeah, history. 

Who are some other artists that you would love to work with?

Hmm, Lil Tracy would be fire. Rei Ami would be cool too.

Walk us through your typical songwriting process. 

It’s a really easy process. I never come into the studio with anything finished. I go in, my homie Dustin starts playing the guitar until I hear something I like and I’m like “Yo that’s hot.” He records it, does the drums, and then we on. 

Where do you get inspiration from when creating your music?

I don’t think anything really inspires me to be honest. I guess I just inspire myself ‘cause I know my capabilities and just the thought of the things I could do if I put my mind to it just excites me. 

How has the pandemic affected this process?

Ah, man. Everywhere had got shut down at first. People couldn’t be in studios, couldn’t go to work. They were shutting downtowns of cities ‘cause of the protests this year. A lot of stuff kept popping up. I understand the reasoning behind the shut downs and protests though, so I wasn’t pressed about it too much. I was ready to drop the project earlier this year, but you know how life goes and you just gotta ride the waves.

Congratulations on the release of the new EP! What can fans expect from the project? Did you go for anything different this time around?

Thank you!! The fans can expect something totally different. A lot of pop and guitars. I seen some of them mad at me ‘cause I don’t make that slow music anymore from 5 years ago, but YOLO. Grow with me or get left behind. I stopped caring about impressing everybody this time. I forgot all my idols and started idolizing myself and started doing what I wanted to do and didn’t try replicating other artists like how everyone else does because they “love that sound so much.” Sounds kinda harsh, but it’s my opinion of reality. I could be wrong, but that’s how I see it. 

Which song off the new EP are you most excited to perform live and why?

Man, that first track “Stay.” Sheeesh. I could just imagine like confetti cannons, the big ones with the gold confetti, just shoot out into the air at a sold-out show. I just be imagining show sets all the time. I love that song so so much. 

Share a talent that not many people know you have.

I could do a really good impression of the old man from Family Guy haha. And I can make bird noises by whistling. Hmm…What else? I can do the worm with my fingers like it’s called finger tutting. Uh… I can skate and draw and paint. A lot of fans don’t know that. Hmm… I can catch a fly in mid-air with my hands lol. 

Who do you owe your biggest thanks to? 

My manager really because he believed in me more than anybody ever has, put money in my pocket when I couldn’t afford things out of the vending machine, and got me to a point where I can finally say I have my own place.

What's next for lilbootycall?

24 Reborn, my next project. I would say tour, but ya know how things are, but yeah! 24 Reborn, might be a mixtape or EP. Don’t know yet. We shall see, but very excited for it! 


Lil Heart Eyes


Dalton Mauldin