Madeline The Person

Photo Credit: Warner Music

Photo Credit: Warner Music

Madeline The Person exudes rainbows, butterflies, and most importantly, feelings. The 19-year-old singer/songwriter introduces a wondrous world of her own making, combining the beautiful aesthetic of her childhood adolescence with hard and somber memories. Her debut song, “As a Child,” gained critical acclaim on TikTok earlier this year – it’s a platform where she currently hosts over 450k followers and over 6.6 million likes! A whimsical combination of acoustic duets, vintage halls, and more original music fills her feed, further setting her apart from her musical contemporaries; and with high praise from names like Olivia Rodrigo and Lizzo, she appears to have only just begun her musical journey. Madeline’s talent was most recently affirmed by her signing with Warner Music, a milestone that she considers to be her biggest accomplishment thus far. We spoke to the fairy pop star about her TikTok journey, her latest music, and more!

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’m a 19-year-old singer-songwriter fairy person who has a lot of feelings and writes about them. I like to dress like a living, breathing rainbow, but I make songs about really hard, sad things. 

How did you start making music? 

I grew up in a very musical household. My mom plays classical piano, my brother played flamenco guitar, and my dad was really into audio equipment and speakers. I wanted to be like my mom and play piano, so I started lessons when I was 4. I quit lessons because I was small and stubborn, but then just explored on my own for a while! I have always loved singing, but I was pretty shy about it when I was younger. I gained confidence with vocal lessons, choir, and musical theater. I started writing songs after I took a guitar lesson in middle school. I had a lot of things to say as an 11-year-old but nowhere to put my thoughts except for music. I’ve been making sad little tunes ever since. 

How about TikTok? How did you get your start there?

I started almost exactly one year ago. I just reposted covers that I had already put on Instagram and nothing really came of it. The first time I made a video specifically for TikTok, in the app, it gained some traction and I quickly got a cute little fanbase going. 

Photo Credit: Warner Music

Photo Credit: Warner Music

Your debut song, “As A Child,” is out now! It’s your professional debut. How do you feel?

I feel so relieved to have this song out. It’s been a long time coming since I posted little clips of it on TikTok, and since then, I’ve been getting very persistent requests to release it ASAP. I’m so excited that this song is my debut because it feels important to make my start with a song that’s honest about my grief and sadness. 

Can you tell us about the song? 

The song is an exclamation of how hard it is to carry the heaviness of losing a loved one when you’re young. No matter what kind of loss you endure as a kid, the weight can multiply over the years without you even knowing. When I wrote the song, I finally allowed myself to feel how heavy my huge backpack of grief was and put it down for a little bit. 

“As A Child” Cover Art / Click to Listen!

“As A Child” Cover Art / Click to Listen!

Do you think TikTok has expedited your music career at all?

Tiktok has absolutely transformed my life and career. 

Who are your musical role models? 

Joni Mitchell and John Mayer are my two favorites. They are wildly different people, but they both tell stories in such a unique and beautiful way. John is the guitar master of the universe and Joni is actual sunlight. 

Who are your life role models? 

My mom is my biggest role model because she’s cute and strong and funny and resilient and perfect and everything. She is a million good things at once and balances it all with true grace. 

What’s your go-to comfort song? 

My go-to comfort song is Vacation by Florist. It reminds me of going to the water park. It makes me feel like a baby in the sun. 

How would you describe your sound in three words?

honest, warm stories

Here’s a fun one: Describe your sound using only aspects of the works of other artists

Mitski’s emotion and wording mixed with Ingrid Michaelson's sound.

(ie, the lyricism of Taylor Swift or the emotion of Phoebe Bridgers).

 We love your style! It’s so playful. How did you develop your fashion sense?

Thank you! I’ve loved bright colors since I was little, but I slowly lost the courage to wear them going into middle school. When I finally got the courage to wear whatever I want, I let the explosion of color just happen. I’m mostly inspired by cartoons and fairies. 

We’ve got to ask about the lizard, of course. Tell us everything.

OK so glad you asked. Goose is a crested gecko with a beautiful sense of self. I still can’t tell what Goose’s gender is, so for now, Goose is just Goose. Fun fact: I gave birth to Goose the gecko.

Who’s one TikToker you’d love to collab with? 

I would love to collaborate with vella. She has soul for days and she’s so kind. I think we outdo a sick duet. 

And who’s an artist, past or present, you’d love to open for?

I get sweaty imagining opening for Elton John. That would be epic. 

What do you consider the biggest accomplishment of your career thus far?

Signing to Warner feels like my biggest accomplishment thus far because it’s quite hard to find such a good home for your music and creation, but I got so lucky with Warner. 

What’s your biggest career goal? 

In my wildest dreams, I write a song with John Mayer. 

What can fans expect from Madeline The Person in 2021?

Fans can expect fun and feelings and crying and laughing and dancing and stuffed animals from me. 

When Madeline The Person makes it to LA, _____________________.

…she’s going to throw the sickest tea party of all time.


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