Michelle Ray

Michelle Ray

Singer/Songwriter Michelle Ray has already done so much in her career-- from television commercials to streaming series, and even an appearance on The Voice, she has seemingly done it all. The artist began her musical journey at age 10 when her mother signed her up for vocal lessons. Since then, she has continued to shine with her vocal ability while growing her already impressive resume. “It has been quite the journey and I’m very grateful for everything that I’ve done so far,” she said. “...but I am still at the beginning of what I want to achieve!” 2020 was a sure sign of this sentiment; the artist released three new singles to Spotify, including “I’m Fine” with Michael Blum and the popular “Chasing Shadows”. The latter has received acclaim across the board and earned the artist over 129k Spotify streams alone. We recently spoke with Michelle about her experiences in the music industry, her advice for up and coming artists, and more!

Hey Michelle! Let's start by telling us a little bit about yourself. How did you get started making music?

I grew up in an extremely musical home so there was no way I wasn’t going to end up in the music industry. I started singing before I could talk, I begged my mom for vocal lessons, but she was understandably hesitant due to the nature of the entertainment industry. Finally, at age 10 she took me to my fist lesson, age 11 entered my first competition, and the rest is history. My Grandma lived with my family growing up, she was a music manager/music connoisseur. She managed an Opera singer, Misha Raitzin, who I was named after. He was a Tenor at the Metropolitan Opera House in NYC. She used to play classical music throughout the house while my parents taught my brother and I 80’s rock and roll. My dad manages a rock band Royal Hunt, whom I went to watch at age 7 in Japan, performed backing vocals on their national tours at age 17, and opened for their sold-out shows in Japan at age 26! My dad built a studio in our house with his bare hands when I was 12,  we started writing and recording music which led me to my journey here in Los Angeles after a producer heard one of my demo CD’s! 

It truly seems like you’ve already done it all; theatre acting, movie soundtracks, and even some time on The Voice. Is there any one moment that still feels surreal to you?

It has been quite the journey and I’m very grateful for everything that I’ve done so far, but I am still at the beginning of what I want to achieve! The most surreal experience was being on The Voice for sure. Being on Blake’s team was a dream and being able to sing for artists like himself, Usher, Adam Levine and Shakira was next level.

In 2020 alone, you’ve really shown your versatility as an artist. Has it always been your goal to experiment with different music styles?

Thank you! I’ve always loved experimenting with different styles, I believe at the end of the day a great song is a great song, doesn’t matter the genre. I don’t believe that artists should be pigeonholed into only one style. I really admire Miley Cyrus because she constantly evolves as an artist. I do find myself gravitating towards soul/pop the most when it comes to my own music I create though. 

The pandemic has surely taken a toll on a lot of people over the past year. Has it affected your ability to make music at all? If so, how have you adapted?

It has been a very transformative time for the music industry. This time has forced me to enhance my skills when it comes to recording myself. I have been learning a lot more on how to navigate logic and work with producers/writers through Zoom.

Congrats on the release of “I Do”! What was the inspiration for the song?

Thank you! "I Do" is a song written for my husband Ethan that my best friend from The Voice, Kathleen Regan, and I wrote together (on zoom of course.) We both knew I had to change all of my wedding plans due to Corona, and I was blown out of this world by how compassionate, understanding and loving Ethan was. I found my cheesy, fairytale, once in a damn lifetime love story and I had no choice but to sing about it (duh!) All of the curveballs life throws at you makes you who you are. Each path that you take, I believe, leads you to exactly where and who you are supposed to be with. In our case, Ethan and I met exactly when we were supposed to. I want "I Do" to be everyone’s first dance song, everyone’s love song. I want the emotion of finding the absolute love of your life, amongst any hardships, chaos and or noise, being the most unreal feeling in the entire world.

This latest track does go back to that acoustic pop sound heard in “I’m Fine” with Michael Blum. With that said, what was it like working with the artist?

Michael Blum and I actually went to middle school together! We were both in our school’s production of "Anything Goes", just in different casts. I was Reno Sweeney and he was Billy Porter. Many many years later, he moved to LA and we reconnected and wrote "I’m Fine" in our first session together. I adore Michael! He is such a talented writer/artist and it’s the best feeling when you find someone you can write so easily together with! 

What advice do you have for an artist who is about to release their first song?

I would say to make sure that song is how you want the world to see you as an artist. Promote the crap out of your song, as much as you possibly can! Getting it out there is so important. Interact with your fans, sing on TikTok, etc!

What is the best piece of advice that you’ve ever received?


What can we catch you up to on your day off?

One of my favorite things to do is drink a delicious red blend wine, turn on French music and paint! 

Lastly, what’s next for Michelle Ray?

I have a new single coming out in January that I am SO EXCITED ABOUT! Following the single, my EP! :)




Charlie Curtis-Beard