She Loves Boon

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She Loves Boon and WIMITLA. does, too. How could you not? The New York native is the creative mind behind some fantastic songs and always aims to push his sound to the next level. Boon draws inspiration from many corners of his life: “relationships, emotions, inner conflicts, [and] a lot of different personal things.” But “love”, according to the artist, is the one idea that resonates throughout all of his music. Take “Don’t Want You” for example, a song that describes love lost between him and his former significant other. The release has become his most popular, earning over 165k Spotify streams since 2019. She Loves Boon has released five singles and is featured with the likes of Hadji Gaviota and JAN. II. We recently spoke with the artist about his come up, musical inspirations, and more! Read our full interview with the artist below!

Hey Boon! Thank you for speaking with us today, we love your sound! Let’s get started with an introduction. How did you get started making music?

I’ve been writing songs for a long time - since I was 10. I’ve picked up a few instruments here and there but what really has stuck with me is songwriting. I used to love writing anything back when I was younger - stories, memoirs, poems, anything. When I first started listening to my influences in music, it opened me up to convey my thoughts and emotions in song. Ever since then it was a wrap and here we are today. 

So the name She Loves Boon: who is she?

Hahaha you know years ago, when I first came out with the name, I would’ve had a more concise answer for you. As my music’s evolved since then - so has my take on my artist name. My music circles a lot around relationships, emotions, inner conflicts, a lot of different personal things... but everything revolves around love. Love for a partner, love for yourself, love for your friends and family, or even the lack thereof. She Loves Boon conveys all that - the complicated, multifaceted nature of love in all forms.

You made your Spotify debut in 2018 with “Survive.” In what ways has your music changed since?

Ah to this day people find that song and tell me how much they love it. It’s a great song but since that song I’ve been experimenting with my vocal range, finding the parts of my voice, and writing that really means something to people who listen, and also I’m a lot more invested in my production, whether that’s vocally, instrumentally or visually. 

What kind of impact has music had on your personal life? Can you share one real-life experience that inspired a song?

I was talking about this with some of my close musician friends the other day. It’s crazy how much I know about them and their personal lives/struggles without having to speak to them about it. That’s what music is for me - an ongoing way for me to express the emotions I can’t articulate in any other way. “Used To Be So Fun” is a great example of that - that song sounds like it’s about a dysfunctional relationship, but it’s really autobiographical. It’s about how throughout the pandemic and even my social life, I started feeling like I was different, I was less available to people, I was reclusive. The song is about how I come to terms with that and what it feels like to be in that position. 

“Used To Be So Fun” is the latest song in your catalog and seems to be your most innovative yet. Walk us through the making of the track: were you going for something different with the release?

Besides just conveying how I felt, I wanted to simplify the process. I wanted people to feel exactly how I felt and relate, without having to dig too much. When it comes to the hard-hitting production and then the simple yet effective crooning melodies, I wanted people to understand how I felt immediately. 

316k streams in 2020-- That’s huge, congrats! What was it like getting this kind of feedback after only two years on the platform?

It’s crazy. I never expected to see results like that with music. To see people telling me these songs are on repeat to them, they saved their lives, this is their go-to song in certain situations - it’s all so surreal but amazingly exciting. 

Who are some artists that you looked up to growing up?

Growing up I went from listening to Linkin Park to Kid Cudi to Kanye West to Phoenix to MGMT to Mac Miller to Frank Ocean. All those artists had big effects on my style and were soundtracks to different parts of my life whether it’s my early years of high school.

How has the pandemic been treating you? Has it affected the way you make music at all? What are some of your favorite things to do outside of the studio?

I’m from NYC so it’s been pretty shut down. At first, it was uninspiring but recently it’s only gotten me more honed in on making music and keeping a good workflow. Outside of the studio, I play 2k all the time, go to the gym and stay active, going on little cabin getaways, just a bunch of things to clear my head but also change my surroundings and stay even-keeled.

What is one message that you want to convey to your fans?

I want to tell my fans what has been on my mind. You might not be at the place you want to be right now - but as long as you have your end goal in mind you will get there. Progress is not linear, it’s up and down. You will face challenges but also take so many Ws. Whatever it is you want out of your life, long term or short, just remember why you’re doing what you do. The bigger picture is so hard to see when you focus on the little bumps along the road but it’s always there.

Who do you owe your biggest thanks to?

I really want to thank everyone who makes She Loves Boon what it is. My producers, my videographers, my designers, my management, my supporters. I have been doing this for so long on my own, so to finally see people rallying behind me is truly humbling and I’m very grateful. 

What can we expect from you in 2021?

A lot of good music. A lot of good visuals. I want to deliver the best that She Loves Boon has ever brought - I want everyone to expect that from me.

Photo Credit: Jess Cobain

Photo Credit: Jess Cobain

She Loves Boon, Category: Artist, Singles: Used To Be So Fun, Up and Down, Loner, Don't Want You!, Survive, Top Tracks: Used To Be So Fun, Don't Want You!, Loner, Up and Down, Survive, Biography: i'm so shy it's literally crazy i hope you like everything i'm giving to you it means a lot to me i love when it means a little to someone else, Monthly Listeners: 3646, Where People Listen: Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Sydney, Houston



