Tori Templet

Photo Credit: Bailey West

Photo Credit: Bailey West

In an industry that continues to produce incredible new talent, one question always remains: Who’s up next? Well, the signs now point to singer/songwriter Tori Templet, an Atlanta native whose music has earned her nearly 3 million Spotify streams. The artist grew up making songs and finally created her own as a senior in high school. By the end of that year, she had written “Right Here”, her debut track that now has over 600k streams. Almost three years later, the artist continues to evolve. Templet has become synonymous with her distinct vocals, often paired with chill indie-pop beats. This includes songs like “Butterfly Rain”, her most popular tune that was seemingly the catalyst for many other great releases. We had the pleasure of speaking with Tori about balancing life’s ups and downs, musical inspirations, and plans for 2021!

How did you get started making music?

I’ve always loved to sing and be passionate about music. It’s always been the creative outlet I’ve been drawn to. I think I first realized that I wanted to start making my own music was when I first started playing guitar my senior year of high school. I began writing songs (that were not good in the beginning, like awful) and using music as my outlet to get away from the craziness of school, sports, and other activities during high school. I was involved in a lot during my senior year. A band that I would play with occasionally had their own studio and reached out and asked if I wanted to record anything with them. Of course, I jumped at the offer. Thus, “Right Here” was born. I recorded that song right before I left for my freshman year of college without realizing how much that first moment I was in the studio would change my future.

It’s coming up on three years since your Spotify debut. What has changed the most about your music since then?

I think my sound has definitely evolved over the past three years. My inspiration has changed along with the messages I want to convey. When I first started making music, my biggest inspiration was Billie Eilish. She was the artist I wanted to be. Everyone says we sound very similar, so I knew that my voice would match that specific Indie Pop sound. Moving forward with my music, my inspirations lately have been Lennon Stella and BENEE. This is definitely the direction I have been heading towards lately with what I’ve been creating, a much more soft, chill, Indie Pop vibe.

Were you nervous at all before releasing your first songs?

I am always nervous before I release music. Because of how music is distributed nowadays, I never know who’s receiving it and how they’re perceiving it. But each time I have released a single, I have gotten nothing but love and encouragement from the complete strangers that are listening. Ever since my first song, I have felt so supported. So, of course, I was nervous, but those jitters go away about 15 minutes after midnight hits, and the song is out for the whole world to hear.

What inspires you to make music?

Honestly, other artist’s music inspires me to make music of my own. Some artists I really look up to are Lizzy McAlpine, John Mayer, and Sasha Sloan when it comes to writing. They are all lyrical geniuses, and they make me want to be a better writer. Other things that inspire me are definitely just the atmosphere around me and the experiences I go through in my life.

Is there ever a cookie-cutter formula to making a Tori Templet song?

It honestly looks different every time. My best songs I’ve made were written in a car, in the shower (literally all of “Classic” was written in the shower, praises that my phone was right outside so I could write it all down), or even while I’m sitting in a class. I think my favorite songs have been made in the most not-cookie-cutter way.

Can you tell us about one real-life experience that inspired a song?

One of my favorite songs I’ve recently released is “Let Go”. I was sitting on my bathroom floor at a really low point in May of this year, and I was so frustrated with myself. I was stressed over relationships, school, music, and everything in between. I finally just got to the point where I realized that I’m only 21, and I still have so much life ahead of me. “Let Go” is about letting go of the stress, anxiety, and worries that normal young adult life brings. I’ll probably look back on these years and realize I was frustrated over tiny little things that wouldn’t even matter in the future. It’s just important to find joy in your life and what makes you happy.

Who are you making music with for a dream collaboration and why?

My dream collaboration would be my favorite band, The Band Camino. I have been listening to them for about four years, and I’ve seen them live five times. I think it would be cool to work with them on a song because it would be out of my comfort zone and quite literally just a dream.

How have you been doing during the pandemic?

I’ve honestly been really good. Obviously, being stuck inside is not fun, but I’ve been the most creative I have ever been during this crazy time. Constantly writing and sitting with my guitar and learning things about myself I never knew before.

Has this affected your creative process at all?

Not at all. The pandemic has shown me how much music helps me through things in life. I’ve gotten out of my comfort zone with the songs I create, and I have formed relationships with other creatives in the music industry through social media that I have talked with over Zoom and FaceTime.

You mentioned that you’re currently attending college while also working a part-time job. Do you find it difficult at times to balance school, work, and music-making?

YES. It is definitely not easy, but I love to keep myself busy. It’s a good thing that I’m organized because if not, my life would be such a mess.

What’s some advice that you’d give to an up-and-coming artist going through a similar situation?

GET ORGANIZED. Learn to say no to things that you just can’t juggle. Balancing school, work, music, and somehow having a social life is not an easy thing to do, but if you’re passionate about what you’re doing, it’s worth it. Remind yourself that somedays music will be everything you do, and somedays, all music will be is what you’re listening to in your car on your way to the next thing in your day. AND THAT’S OK. I tell myself that music doesn’t have to be my everything right now because I know it will be in the future. Live in the moment and know that you’re where you are for a purpose!

You’re clearly a busy person; but what are some things you like to do during your downtime?

I’m a big Netflix fan. If I’m not on the go, I’m probably watching New Girl. I also just love spending time with my roommates and hanging out with close friends.

If someone was in Atlanta for 24 hours, what should be on their “must-do” list?

Go to the Georgia Aquarium. It’s one of my favorite places in Atlanta! If we weren’t in a pandemic, I would also tell you to go to a concert at the Tabernacle which is actually my dream venue to play at! Also, Ponce City Market has great food and shopping and a super cool rooftop area. You can’t go wrong in downtown Atlanta. There’s so much to see and do!

What is one thing that you’d tell your younger self?

Just slow down. I am so bad at living in the present. I constantly look forward to the future, and I’m afraid I missed out on some things in high school because I was constantly thinking about college and what was next in life. It’s so easy to do. When things aren’t going your way or you’re unhappy, all you want to think about is getting out of the mess you’re in. If I could look young Tori in the eyes, I’d just tell her that everything is going to be okay, and it’s okay to not have it all figured out because you are literally 15 silly. You have only scratched the surface of all the life you’re going to get.

What can we expect from you in 2021?

I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED. I am very excited to tell you that I have been working on an EP for the last year (I am trying to be so patient.), and it will be releasing in a few months (the date is still unknown). I am just ecstatic to get the opportunity to release a full project that has so much heart behind it, and I cannot wait for everyone to hear it. As for other things, more writing, more creativity, more of everything. I can’t wait to see what this year holds for me!

Photo Credit: Amy Rickabaugh

Photo Credit: Amy Rickabaugh

Photo Credit: Amy Rickabaugh

Photo Credit: Amy Rickabaugh

Tori Templet, Category: Artist, Singles: Classic, Let Go, all i ask, again, Is She, Top Tracks: Butterfly Rain, all i ask, Classic, again, Is She, Biography: Tori Templet was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia.




Kaitlyn Velez