
TWSTD ZOO is an LA-based electronic dance music duo that exudes an energetic and irresistible sound. They began putting out music in 2020, and since then have grown rapidly on the global stage. The combination of dubstep, dance, EDM, and everything in between is fused into their music, making every song more innovative and interesting than the last. Their talent is catching on for so many, as they’ve built up a following everywhere from Moscow to Mexico City. Songs like “In My Heart” and “For You” are sweeping the scene, gathering tens of thousands of streams. With more music on the way and a tour in the works, the sky is the limit for these guys. We spoke to the duo about their start in the industry, the Los Angeles music scene, and more!

Hey Guys! Thank you so much for speaking with us. Let’s start off with an introduction. How did you each get started making music?

Thanks for having us, it really means a lot. We both started separately a few years back now. Jose started in 2013 after attending a rave with his friends. Loved it so much, made him want to learn how to produce the next day. Even though he’s always had a passion for music and played a few instruments growing up. Austin started producing & djing at the same time in 2012 after first discovering Skrillex. Paying attention and listening to lyrics has been difficult for him throughout his life. His ears are trained to listen to melodies and instrumentals within a song so when he heard the first electronic song he instantly got hooked. He’s been playing 8 different instruments since he was 5 years old so music has always been in his blood since childhood.

How did you decide that it was time to form TWSTD ZOO?

We actually met back in 2018 at an event for our mutual friend. At the time we decided to collaborate on a song together which ended up being such a fun and fast process we made about 3 more tracks within a week. We realized at that moment those tracks were totally something new and different from what we normally make so we decided we should form a group. We also each have specific strong skill sets that benefit from each other’s weaknesses so we make up for a perfect “yin & yang.”

Your project has released music for less than a year but has already seen significant success on the EDM scene. What has it been like to get this type of reception early on?

Honestly, we feel like we’re still learning and growing and we’re very grateful for all the friends we’ve met along the way. Many of them help us grow and we all share knowledge. It’s been nice seeing some of our stuff get support from big artists and get on a playlist of folks we look up to. It’s also nice to see our friends who are growing along with us.

With that said, the new track is awesome, congrats! What would you say the inspiration is for “Like This”?

We definitely got the inspiration from the 2012 film “Project X” and from reliving our college party experiences. We wanted to tie this inspiration in with our style so we twisted together electro-house music with hip-hop/rap. We like to call it the party song, we wanted to make something that when people listen to it, the feeling of doing something active or having a party with friends starts taking over.


Were you going for anything different with the release?

Honestly, the song is pretty fairly old for us and it was an idea that was started around 4 years ago. The problem at the time was that we didn’t have the same producing skills or approach to music structure as we do now. So it was just an idea of 30 seconds. After that, it was sitting for a long time in our hard drives. When we finally realized we still had that project we opened it up and decided it was time to finish it up. At one point we just decided it would be cool to have someone rap on it. We wanted to keep the party vibe that we originally intended it to be but it would be awesome to have someone just start rapping about it like if it was a college party. Luckily, Cutty came in to do his verse and we’re happy how it turned out.

You also recently collabed with Anna Delaria on “Cut You Loose”! What was it like working with the artist?

“Cut you Loose” was fun to remix. It was a track Anna already had previously but when we heard it we thought we could put a fun spin to it. It turned out to be something new for us where we could keep our pop melodic sound but give it a little harder drop vibes. When it was fully completed we showed Anna and she was really impressed and happy with how it sounded. So far the song has done really well for us in terms of getting us new listeners which we’re super appreciative and we’re thankful for Anna letting us spin her tune.

Who is the next artist that you’d work with for a dream collaboration?

Dream collaboration for both of us and I’m sure many people would also want is Skrillex. But we would also like to do something with Marshmello, Slushii, and some of our buddies Pixel terror. Those would be just fun tunes we think we could make something special with those folks.

How does the typical TWSTD ZOO track come together?

Usually, Jose starts an idea by laying down the intro, verse, and build up then Austin works on the drops for their tracks. Jose usually makes more of our radio/pop tracks while Austin starts on the more energetic, harder type of music. It’s really the yin and yang for us, when you hear our stuff the melodic elements usually flourishing from both of us but Austin likes to do harder EDM rave and Jose likes softer radio music. We bring two different sides of music so it lets us get a better range of what we can make.

Would you say that the Los Angeles music scene has impacted your style at all?

Yes, there are so many talented artists out there now constantly creating new music that we are driven to keep up with them and try out all different types of genres. We always try to keep up with the current rate of the music industry whilst looking to create what can be the next big thing. We also like to try genres out of our normal comfort zone and produce them in the “TWSTD” way. It helps us grow and learn.

How have you two been holding up during the pandemic? Has it affected your music-making process?

We actually launched TWSTD ZOO last year right when COVID-19 first broke out so ever since then we’ve been pushing out tracks from left to right, ensuring we release at least 1 track a month. Currently, as of 2021, we’re narrowing down on all of our songs and wrapping up our album and EP. The pandemic was very unfortunate for many folks, however, it really allowed us to work from home and dedicate more time to the music. We were able to write more music now and it forced us to be creative in the outlet of growing a fan base without live performances.

You, like so many other artists right now, and hopeful for the live concert scene to open back up. Where would be a dream venue for each of you?

Coachella and EDC, those two events would be a dream and also a bucket list cross-off for both of us. Honestly, no shame Jose would cry during the performances hehe.

How would you describe your music to a new listener?

We would describe it as pop music meeting EDM. We’re both influenced by many genres but you’ll hear our personal influences sometimes with rock n’ roll, Moombahton, and even classical.

What is the best thing about working as a duo?

There are many benefits to working as a duo. When one person is down, the other helps pick up the pace. We can bounce off ideas to each other making the creative process more fun and quick. We each have strong skill sets that the other lacks in so we help each other take out all the imperfections within a project. Lastly, the best part is the fact that we’re not strictly just business partners, but best friends as well who have the same interests, values, and mindset.

What can we expect from you in 2021?

To keep it short and simple, expect more shows and an album coming soon.

When TWSTD ZOO makes it to LA, ______________.

When we make it to LA, we hope everyone is ready to hear their favorite genre’s TWSTD ;)


Soda State


Sam Loid