TNC Laid

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TNC Laid is a 21-year-old music artist and a Philadelphia native who’s been developing his rap skills since he was 15. Initially a poet, the determined rapper delved into the world of hip-hop when his cousin sent a beat, and hasn’t left since. Ever since his 2017 debut, his EP titled Energy the, TNC’s risen to popularity through a number of his more well-known tracks, including “Rich of Famous,” and “Big Amounts.” Besides 2 more singles, 1 EP, and a debut album, TNC’s also grown outside of the music industry: In 2018, it was legalized as an entertainment company (There Is No Competition LLC), and Laid now represents a number of artists as well. We recently spoke with the rapper about the ambitious nature of his stage name, a few of his musical inspirations, and more!

How did you get started making music?

I started off writing poetry then transitioned into Hip-Hop when my cousin sent me a beat one day to check out.

You’ve got unlimited money and a week off. Where are you going?

If I had unlimited money and a week off I’d spend three days in LA working on music and the other four in Dubai living my life the way I want.

Who have been your biggest non-hip hop musical influences? 

My biggest non-hip hop musical influences are Michael Jackson, Alicia Keys, Rihanna, and Usher.

Where did the name TNC Laid come from?

TNC comes with a much deeper meaning of, “There Is No Competition” implying that my greatest competition and the only individual holding me back is myself. 

We’re gonna keep it honest; “Big Amounts” should be huge by now. Walk us through making the song.

I agree with you that “Big Amounts” should be huge right now. The process of making the song consisted of me listening to a beat from my producer (Skizo T3R) and just vibing out to it. I wanted to make something that was catchy and also lyrical at the same time. The lyrics just flowed naturally as I rehearsed them up until I went to the studio to record the song. I recorded the song in Philly and ended up taking it out LA to get mixed by one of Roc Nation’s engineers.

You’re making the collab of your dreams. Who’s on the track? 

If I’m making the collab of my dreams it’ll most likely include Michael Jackson, Alicia Keys, and myself.

What was the first song you purchased?

The first song I purchased wasn’t a song it was actually an album by K Michelle that I bought my mom for Christmas.

Any future projects for fans to get excited about?

My project, Free Agent, consists of six tracks, giving fans a peek into the new and improved sounds from me with no features on the entire project, and proves to be worth the wait! I’ll also be releasing a new video soon, stay tuned!


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