Jacelyn Fincher


Jacelyn Fincher is perhaps one of the most unique content creators on TikTok today. The 20-year-old, currently a student at Gallaudet University, provides some much-needed representation to two marginalized groups that look to her as a pillar of visibility. The influencer is deaf and bisexual, and her content often serves to reflect and educate fans on many of her life experiences. Jacelyn’s content is an amalgamation of multiple genres and talents, from funny pick-up line tips to answering fan questions to posting trendy dance videos. Because of her creativity and loveable persona that she has crafted on the platform, she’s amassed a massive following, totaling 978.3 thousand followers and 23.8 million that is a testament to her prowess as a social media personality. We had the chance to chat with Jacelyn about her career, her life story, and more. Scroll down to read the full Q&A!

Tell us a little bit about yourself! How did you get started on the app?

One of my besties introduced me to TikTok and was told that I should download the app because it was very entertaining for them – I decided to download it and I did find it very entertaining, to the point where it actually got me addicted!

Before your account blew up, did you ever anticipate going viral?

To be honest, I never thought that one of my videos would go viral, I've always used the app just for fun because it’s something I do in my free time at college or at home!

So, you’re literally soaring towards one million followers as we speak. Do you feel any type of greater responsibility or pressure with such a quickly growing following?

As I’ve learned that I’m about to reach one million, I am overwhelmed by the fact I have so many supporters and so many loves. It certainly makes me feel that I have a responsibility because I truly care about my fans and my followers. They gave me such huge motivation and confidence to be myself on my content; they also give me so many ideas on what to do with my platform. I try to give all of my best to keep all of my fans happy, especially my most supportive! 

Much of your content involves explaining your life experiences as someone who is deaf. How do you think your videos serve to educate others about this part of your life?

I put some of my life experiences in my content because I’ve always wanted to educate people to understand what it’s like to be deaf. I also want people to attain some knowledge on how to properly support and meet deaf people.


What kind of videos do you most enjoy creating? Do you have a favorite trend at the moment?

Out of all the content I produce, I get the most enjoyment out of creating the different series. The series challenge me to be more creative, and in a way, it has helped people understand the perspective of a deaf person. I also do this content because when I was younger, I wanted to become an actor. The production of these videos has helped me connect with my younger self and a hobby that I love.

Who is one fellow TikToker that you’d love to collaborate with and why?

A TikToker I wouldn’t mind collaborating with is Scarlet May. I have already seen her on several occasions as we attend the same deaf university. She also understands what it is like to be a deaf person and a deaf content creator. In a way, I aspire to be like her as she’s more successful. 

How have your family and friends reacted to your TikTok fame? Are they supportive?

Only two members of my family know and talk to me about my TikTok – my mother and my sister. They both have mentioned to me that they were very proud of me for the way that I have matured and grown. 

Jacelyn Fincher Instagram

Jacelyn Fincher Instagram

What are some of the things you enjoy doing outside of social media?

I enjoy a few hobbies outside of TikTok! One of them is cooking, which I learned from my grandmother since she used to be a cooking instructor. Another one is clothes shopping because I enjoy trying to look nice and better and having my own fashion ideas; as much I don’t like to admit, I have a shopping addiction when it comes to clothes hah. I also enjoy photography and painting!

Have you had to adjust any aspects of your life once you began to blow up?

I did not do or make any changes about myself after I went viral. I got to where I am because of who I am, so I didn’t see any reason to make changes! 

Which is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

As corny as this sounds, the best advice I received was from my mom. All she said was “Keep being you, you keep doing you.” Another great piece of advice I received was actually from my best friend, who is also my roommate. He’s given me many, but one that stuck out to me was: “Stop worrying so much about what other people think of you, who you are right now is Jacelyn, and don’t ever change that!”

If you could have one superpower, what would that be and why?

A superpower I wouldn’t mind having would be teleportation because I love to travel – this way it's easier and cheaper.

Any exciting projects coming up for you in 2021?

The biggest thing I’m looking forward to this year is returning to Gallaudet University for the Fall semester, which is so exciting because I finally get to see my friends and take classes in-person instead of online. Gallaudet is like my second home because it’s the only place in the world where I feel like I fit in. 

When Jacelyn Fincher makes it to LA, ______________.

She’s probably only gonna stay for a week hah. 


Francine Ng


Elina Yael