
19&YOU are looking and sounding like the next big thing – the four-piece band hailing from Sydney, Australia released their debut EP on May 7 and to much acclaim. Their indie-pop/rock sound is synonymous with acts like the 1975 and Nightly but still holds its own in showcasing an original sound. The band, composed of Noah Taylor, Cameron Graves, Liam Wallis, and Jackson Leitch, only met last year and recorded their first songs over a two-week period. “RUNNIN’” was one of them, a track that would eventually make their first, self-titled project. 19&YOU has already earned over half a million streams across all platforms, an impressive start – “PART OF YOU”, which features vocals from Carlie Hanson seems to be the fan-favorite as of late. “You’re always nervous when you send another artist songs to record on, but she absolutely killed it,” the group said. “…We love her tons and she’s become a close friend.” The name of this publication is When I Make It To LA. and the guys of 19&YOU have done just that. Their recent move to Los Angeles is seemingly the start of many years worth of quality music. Read below for our full conversation with the band!

Hey Guys! Thanks for speaking with us today. First of all, congrats on the release of your debut EP! How are we feeling a week after its release?

Thanks for chatting with us! We’re so excited it’s finally out. We’ve been waiting over a year for some of these songs to be out in the world and we couldn’t begin to describe how good it feels to have people listening to them.

And what an absolutely stellar debut this was for you guys – did you guys expect this type of reception from your first project?

We’re overwhelmed with gratitude for the support we’ve gotten. It’s unbelievably fulfilling and motivating to see people celebrating the release of the project. It has been amazing getting videos of people singing along to the songs and we even had some fans make custom cupcakes to celebrate! We feel so lucky to have such incredible fans, especially so early on.

Can you walk us through your creative process a bit? How does the typical 19&YOU song come together?

We don’t have a specific method or formula for madness! The chords generally come first. We’re typically a melody first group of writers and we find the story after that. Noah starts producing out the songs from the very start, and sometimes we have a whole instrumental arrangement before we have lyrics! We’re a little all over the place in our process but that is what keeps things interesting. 

Were there any songs off the EP that seemed more difficult to complete than the others?

“ADRENALINE” took a lot of revisions to get right. We had almost a hundred versions of the song by the time it was done. We changed the tempo three times and re-recorded vocals four times. We’re so glad we took the time to get it right though because we’re all extremely proud of how it turned out.

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Carlie Hanson is so dope! What was it like collaborating with the artist?

She is the absolute best! You’re always nervous when you send another artist songs to record on, but she absolutely killed it. She was extremely kind and fun throughout the whole process. We love her tons and she’s become a close friend. She’s got a killer year ahead of her.

Now, let’s talk a little bit about yourselves! How did we all get started making music?

We’ve all been playing music since we were little. Jack and Cam both grew up playing in church. Liam started drumming at a young age and played in a bunch of bands while growing up. Noah has been producing and writing for other artists for about six years now. 

And when did your group get together?

We all met in January of 2020 Noah came to visit the rest of us (Cam, Liam, and Jack) in Australia. We were studying and living in Sydney at the time and Noah came to stay on our couch for 2 weeks. We made “RUNNIN’” the first night we met and three other songs off the EP before he left. It all came together so naturally.

Have y'all experienced any growing pains since starting the band?

So many! We left Australia and moved across the world to Los Angeles, signed with management, moved into a new apartment, and took on music as a full-time job. We wouldn’t change a single thing, but we definitely have nostalgia for our time in Sydney. We miss the people and places we left behind.

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With that said, what is the best part about this experience so far?

It’s impossible to pick a single experience. We’re blown away by how deeply people have connected with the songs and how devoted our fan base is. It’s incredible to have a relationship with them and talk to them about the music. That and making music with each other are the best parts of this.

How has life in Los Angeles been treating you? What do you miss most about Aus?

We love Los Angeles! We haven’t really gotten the chance to experience it properly since we moved here in the middle of COVID, but we’ve found an incredible circle of friends whom we cherish. 

There are a million things we miss about Australia, but the coffee is the first thing that comes to mind. The beaches there are also stunning and we miss the ease of the public transit. It’s honestly a perfect city.

Who has been some of your main musical influences thus far?

Our biggest influences are each other! We’re constantly sharing new music with one another and suggesting ideas for songs. A lot of our songs start with hearing something we love and wondering how we can do something that feels similar. Lately, we’ve been listening to a lot of MUNA, Troye Sivan, The Paper Kites, and RAYE.

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What does the band like to do outside of the studio?

We get coffee three times a day. Since our studio is inside our living room, it can be easy to never leave the house, so we use coffee runs as an excuse to walk to different places and see new things. Cam is also a big surfer, so he’ll hit the beach most days if the waves are good!

Describe your music in just three words.

Nostalgic. Honest. Fun. 

What has been the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Our manager is always talking about building things slowly and the right way. She’s a huge proponent of being patient and doing things at the right time. We really value her advice and create things that could grow with us and have longevity. We want to make meaningful art and we’re at peace with it taking some time.

What else can fans expect from 19&YOU this year?

So. Much. New. Music. We have a ton of exciting things lined up. We are by no means dropping off the map after this release. The best has yet to come and we can’t wait to share new songs with everyone.




Say Kids