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THE JACKS are back and better than ever! The Los Angeles-based group has just released “Stay The Night,” their first single in over a year. A bit of a departure from their older catalog, the group returns with an indie-pop/rock sound that will be prominent on their debut album SLOWDANCE! “I think this new direction was something that we felt needed to happen,” lead singer Jonny Stanback said. “The new sound is us just being as authentic as possible and really finding out what we wanted to create with no limits and an open mind.”

It’s been quite the journey for the four-piece, who first broke onto the industry scene with rock hits such as “Walk Away” and “Just A Little Bit.” Their eponymous EP, released in 2019, received high acclaim and currently has over a million Spotify streams. The rising stars have since found themselves consistently sonically pleasing, and have since released more music, including another EP and 2 singles. With this last song proving that the band brings versatility to the table, we can’t wait to see what they do next. We recently spoke to THE JACKS about how they got their start in music, what they’ve got planned for 2021, and more! 

Hey Guys! First of all, congrats on the new single! How are we feeling now that it’s finally out?

We feel so good about it – it was quite a long journey to get this music out. We had to change a lot about ourselves and really find our voice and what we wanted to say with this album, and Stay The Night is the perfect single to come out of the gates with.

We hear a different side to THE JACKS in this music, one that heads toward a pop-rock sound. Why did we decide to go in this direction and is it safe to say there’s an album on the way?

Jonny Stanback: Yes, we have our debut album coming out called SLOWDANCE, and we couldn’t be more excited about it. I think this new direction was something that we felt needed to happen, and really felt like the most authentic transition from the band we were to the band we want to become. I think everyone had a lot of time to think during the pandemic, and I think we really had to dig deep and find out who we were. I’m sure every band is saying that now, but it really was exactly what happened with us. The new sound is us just being as authentic as possible and really finding out what we wanted to create with no limits and an open mind.

How long did the album take you to complete? Because of the newer style, did the process take any longer to complete than the others?

A little bit of both. We created the whole album out of our lockout studio in Vernon, CA, which is in the industrial part of LA by the river. It can get soooo noisy with the train tracks and other bands next door. So we definitely had to work around some of those issues, especially given our limited recording setup. We also really painstakingly went over the details to make it perfect- so that took a long time. But the actual writing process was much more fluid and intuitive, so that was quicker?

Do y'all have a favorite song off the album you can speak on? Which is it and why?

Stanback: I think that everyone has a different favorite song off the album, and even for me, it changes from time to time. I think that “Stay The Night” or “Levitate” are my favorites, but definitely love every song on there.

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Who are some of the artists that have influenced your sound over the years? Which artists did you emulate for this latest project?

For this project, we definitely were inspired a lot by modern alternative indie/pop songs that have been out recently, really just trying to keep our ear to the ground from a songwriting and production standpoint to write the best songs and produce them in the most compelling way. Artists like the Weeknd, The Neighbourhood, and Harry Styles all were inspirations, as well as older artists we grew up on like The Killers, MGMT, The Strokes, and others.

It’s been two years since you made your debut. What is the most important lesson that you’ve learned during this time?

Stanback: Wow, I mean we’ve just learned so, so much. I think one of the biggest things has been really trying to remove ego to make the best music possible. Like how good is this song really? How compelling is the hook? The sound selection? Do the lyrics need work? Things like that where we have to ask tough questions to make it the best. Finding the middle ground between making music that we love and also that other people love too has been the needle we’ve been trying to thread. I think being in tune with reality and accepting what is has been extremely helpful from a music standpoint and in life in general.

Has there ever been a moment that still feels surreal to you?

Stanback: I think definitely getting this music out and releasing this single has been surreal. The hurdles we had to get through to pull this off make it so satisfying to finally see it through. Definitely enjoying the moment now.

What’s the best part about being a band?

Stanback: Everyone probably has their own answer on this one; at least for me, I think it’s knowing that the experiences we’ve been through and are going through don’t have to be alone or isolated and that there’s always someone to lean on in any situation. Dealing with roadblocks is never fun, but it’s a little bit better knowing someone always has your back.

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How do y’all like to spend your time outside of the studio?

Stanback: We all like to stay pretty active - running, hiking, surfing, skating, etc. We’re lucky to be in LA where we have access to so much. But everyone definitely has their own hobbies- I enjoy reading and being in the outdoors- looking forward to having some time to do that once the record comes out.

What’s your advice to a group that’s about to release their first record?

Do not compromise on anything. If it doesn’t feel right it’s not right yet- take the time to make it right and until every part of the record you feel like is the best music you’ve ever heard. No one knows better than you- trust your gut and don’t be afraid to get feedback from others, but just know that the final decision should always lie with you. Don’t even get me started on this topic though because I could rant for hours.

Describe your music in just three words.

Nostalgic. Dark. Electric.

What can we expect from The Jacks in 2021?

Debut Album, SLOWDANCE will be out, with hopefully some shows as well!

When The Jacks make it to LA, _______________.

We’ve been manifesting some big things for this year- just want to keep working harder everyday and let our music do the talking.



