

Singer/songwriter Alann8h is a stand out indie artist through her infectious, harmonic pop melodies. The musician pairs her soft, often jazzy vocals to perfectly complement the LoFi-style beat production in many of her popular songs. It’s a sound that clearly resonates with a large audience, as she’s amassed a following of over 251K monthly listeners in her short career. She released her first single “1800-Flip-Phone” in 2018, and has since continued to reach greater heights. Alann8h has been featured on Spotify’s “Chill Vibes” and “Outliers” playlists and gained an international audience, with listeners hailing from LA all the way to Jakarta. Her 2020 EP featured “My Mind is a Maze” and “Horizon Rain,” two of her most popular songs yet. We recently spoke with the artist about her writing process, how she started making music, and more!

How did you start making music?

I started making music after seeing a lot of my favorite artists start from something small and grow as musicians and I was like "hey you know what, if they can do it I can do it". So I started singing over LoFi beats and posted my songs Soundcloud where I got a little bit of recognition, and then it all just went up from there.

What was the last song you listened to?

“I'd Rather Go Blind” by Etta James... Currently super obsessed with her and her vocals. 

Where is your go-to location when it’s time to write?

Well I write in my bedroom, more specifically on my bed just because I feel like it’s safe, comfy, and quiet. I'm all alone and able to just pour my heart out on the things and topics I want to write about with no judgment or pressure.  

With every artist at your disposal, who’s your choice for a dream collab?

This is such a hard question so I'm going to narrow it down myself to only living artists and I would definitely want to collab with Frank Ocean just because he has inspired me through music and everything so much and it would just be a dream. Like I could just die happy after that. 

It’s your day off: How are you spending it?

As adventurous and spontaneous as I would want to sound, I honestly would spend the day at home playing guitar and finishing whatever TV show I am watching. I’d invite over my friends to do nothing with me!

Which song of yours is most personal? Can you explain to us its significance?

The most personal song I've put out is “Awake the Reckoning.” This song was written in a period of time where I was lost and felt like nothing was going the way I planned. My music career had reached its peak (or so I thought) and I had no idea what I was going to do for the future. I was just in a constant state of numb and lost and I couldn't write about it until I started this song. Everything just poured out so perfectly and writing this song helped me to continue pushing myself and awake the reckoning man :D. 

Any future projects for fans to get excited about?

I'm always writing, always working on things but I don't have a set date no... I'm just waiting to write a couple of bangers and release it when I feel like it’s all ready and perfectly recorded.


Jelly Crystal

