

“Stay With Me” has a hook that definitely stays with you. That was most likely the intention of singer/songwriter andrews’, whose 2019 single earned him over 132k streams on Spotify alone. The artist has been doing music for just a few years, but demonstrates the chops to break into the indie-pop scene. He released his project, Arepo Pt. 1, in 2017. Since then, the singer/songwriter has released a group of singles that have earned him significant success. “November Rains” with Trella was a song that stuck out for me. A piano ballad that builds beautifully as the song progresses. andrews’ has grown a following of over 9,000 monthly listeners and over 500,000 Spotify streams. His newest release, “baby blue”, is out right now! We recently spoke to the artist about his songwriting process, favorite pastimes, and more!    

How did you get started making music?

I started playing piano when I was a kid. It turned into creating my own music in high school with shitty bands/projects until I stumbled upon the sound and vision of andrews’ about 2 years ago. 

Why "andrews'" and not "andrew"? 

I’ve always loved the idea of people being a lil bit confused and intrigued by my artistry. I feel like my stage name andrews’ really helps with that narrative. I never want to take myself too seriously and that helps me personally as well. 

You recently covered "everything i wanted" by Billie Eilish. How much has her music impacted your work?

I love how she is just relentlessly herself more than anything. That cover was in collaboration with Movember, a UK based non-profit that raises support/awareness for men's mental health. It was super cool to be involved with that project.

Who are some other artists that have influenced your sound?

Alexander 23, Coldplay, Killers, LANY, Jimmy Buffet 

What is a staple of every andrews' song?

I love finding a balance of super organic and ambient sonics. Creating music that makes people dance and cry at the same time. The new stuff is super vulnerable and I hope it can inspire people to open up more in their daily lives. 

Walk us through your typical songwriting process.

I try to spend time creating every day. Most of my songs are birthed from a moment of creating or journaling, either right when I wake up or super late at night.

Which song off "Tenet, Pt. 3" took the longest to complete and why?

“Take Time” was really one of the first songs I co-wrote for an andrews’ release. From start to finish, it took the longest because I was still new at inviting people into my process. 

What has been your proudest moment thus far?

I’m pretty excited about the record we are finishing right now and moving to NYC. I guess I'm proud of myself for falling back in love with the journey of art more than anything specifically. Feels like a cop-out answer but it's true haha 

Describe your music in just three words. 

Vulnerable, Escape, Florida.

What can we catch you doing on your day off?

Probably fixing my old ass RV.

What's next for andrews'?

Wrapping up my sophomore record and moving to NYC.


Amaka Queenette
