Bailey Baum

Photo Credit: Bailey Baum

Photo Credit: Bailey Baum

Following four years of industry success, Dallas-native Bailey Baum has just released her debut EP Over It! The artist is best known for her blended pop ballads including 2019’s “Simple Feelings” and her rendition of “Can’t Help Falling In Love.” From happiness to heartbreak, Bailey shares her music as a reflection of her life experiences. This EP is no different — Songs love “Thinking Bout Me” and “Not Missing You” are a wonderful representation of her evolution as an artist. Since her musical debut, Bailey’s songwriting has earned her millions of digital streams and a devoted fanbase. We recently spoke to her about the new EP, favorite pastimes, and more!


Hey Bailey! Thanks so much for speaking with us. First off, the EP is amazing congrats! How are you feeling now that it’s out? 

Thank you! I’m so happy it's finally here. I’m so excited but also very nervous! It’s so scary to share something so honest and personal with the world but it’s also the best feeling.

How long did the project take you and what was your experience like working in the studio? 

I started making the majority of the EP at the beginning of 2020. One of the songs, “Take Me All The Way” I made in December 2018, so I’ve been hanging on to that one for a while. The whole process of creating the EP was super fun though. I went to Oklahoma and Nashville to write and record everything so I got to make a fun vacation out of the process. I’m super grateful for the people I got to work with on this project. They helped make the studio space a comfortable environment to work in. That’s really huge for me especially because I don’t always have the easiest time opening up and being vulnerable with my feelings in front of people.

There is an emphasis on self-love, growth, and acceptance in the EP. Can you talk about some of the things that inspired this direction? 

I mainly was learning these things while writing the EP and felt the importance of growing from experiences and learning. It’s important to focus on yourself sometimes and your emotions and that’s what this EP taught me. ‘Over It’ truly is whatever you want it to be though. As all music is, this project should be subject to whatever emotions the listener is feeling at that time. And for that reason, the meaning of this project can be ever-changing. Some may listen to it and feel feelings of falling in love, happiness, being carefree, young, crazy, etc. Other people might listen to it and feel empowered to make a decision in a relationship that they’ve been cycling through for a long time. And someone else might listen to it and feel sad, brokenhearted, or even lonely. I felt all of those different emotions throughout the making of this project so I know it can be perceived in all of those different ways.

Is there a song from the EP that has particular importance to you? If so, which one and why? 

This is difficult because I feel like all of these songs are my babies and I love them all so much. “Not Missing You” though is definitely very special to me and close to my heart because it was such a brutally honest reflection of some of my deepest emotions that I was scared to be open about and even admit to myself. This song also represents a turning point amidst all of those feelings where I could finally be like, all these things I’ve been through with that person were so hard and I truly don’t miss them.

The lyricism is spectacular throughout the project. With that said, what is the one Bailey Baum lyric that best describes your life right now? 

I would say “wonder what you’re thinkin’ bout when you’re thinking of me” which represents how I’m feeling most of the time these days. I have a terrible habit of overthinking everything and always wanting to know what’s running through people’s minds. I’m trying to get better about not living my life through the lens of what I want others to see and just doing things for me but I still can’t help but wonder what’s going through certain people’s heads when they’re thinking about me.


How does the typical Bailey Baum song come together? 

I typically start off with a voice memo or note on my phone where I write a concept or idea down. Next, I take that to my favorite creative people to write with and we go back and forth on a song over a melody or loop that we think feels right and then produce it out and add all the special little things to make it sound like the vision we have in our heads and it’s always such a magical process.

Your take on “Can't Help Falling In Love” is beautiful. Which is the next cover that you would consider professionally releasing? 

Thank you, creating that cover was a fun experience. I don’t have plans for a cover currently but would love to try another classic song one day! 

Say you’re in charge of a music festival! Who are three artists that you’re choosing to headline the event? 

A$AP Rocky, Lana Del Rey, and The Neighbourhood.

Has there been any moment on this journey that still feels surreal to you? 

There is one surreal moment that I actually can’t quite share yet but a really big opportunity for one of my songs presented itself this year and I’m beyond excited to share but for now, I have to keep it under wraps— everyone will find out soon though!

What’s the best piece of advice that you have for an artist about to release their first song? 

My best advice is to just make music that's really close to your heart and that you absolutely love. When you finish a song, don’t overthink it, just put it out. Sitting on music and thinking about it over and over is a vicious cycle and you end up being overly self-critical and never releasing anything at all. Put out as much music as you can, it will resonate with the people that it's supposed to resonate with and that’s how you’ll begin to grow your core fanbase.


What are some things that you enjoy doing outside of the studio? 

I love to be outdoors. Going to the beach, longboarding, and wake surfing are some of my favorite things to do. I also love to go thrift shopping around LA. Going out with my friends even when we have no plans at all but just being together and laughing and hanging out are some of the moments I cherish the most.

What else can Bailey Baum fans expect for the rest of 2021? 

I am going to be working on more music for the rest of 2021 but also I am dropping merch and have a few other things in the works that are a secret right now that I’m super stoked about!

When Bailey Baum makes it to LA, ________________.

She’s taking over!!!!!!


Chloe Berry


Ori Rose