Chloe Berry


New York City’s Chloe Berry delivers songwriting for the new age. Inspired by the likes of Fiona Apple and Angel Olsen, the artist never falls flat in producing music of the utmost singularity. A dynamic blend of indie/bedroom-pop soundscapes is prevalent in every one of her songs; this creative edge is best seen in “Bugs” and “Breakfast,” two singles that have earned Berry over 50k collective streams and counting. We recently spoke to the artist about her upcoming single, the NYC music scene, and more! Scroll down to read our full conversation with the artist.


Hey Chloe! Thanks so much for speaking with us. Tell us a little bit about yourself!

Hi there! My name is Chloe Berry and I’m a 20-year-old musician. I’ve been writing indie tunes in my bedroom for the past few years now and, more recently, have started sharing them with the world. My new song “Pocket Full Of Daisies” is coming out on August 13th as well!

How did you get started making music?

I always had an interest in music, particularly songwriting. When I was around thirteen I finally started writing songs down and have continued the habit ever since. I met my boyfriend/producer, Spoonuel, three years ago and they encouraged me to release music!

Your songs are so wonderfully unique – Can you name some of the artists who have influenced the “Chloe Berry” sound?

I grew up listening to a lot of great songwriters such as Fiona Apple, Angel Olsen, and Suzanne Vega. I’m very into honest lyrics. Some more recent inspirations are Snail Mail and No Vacation.

You’re also a fellow New Yorker! Has the local music scene affected your music style at all?

In high school, I would go to as many concerts as possible and experience so many different musical styles. It just showed me that art is just about having fun and to not be too worried about what genre or type of music you’re making.

Speaking of the local music scene, you’ve recently come off your first live show in over a year! How was that?

It felt great and it was such a fun night! It was actually my first proper live show! People in the crowd knew the words to my songs and were dancing. It was such a cool feeling!

Do you have a favorite song to perform live?

My song Breakfast! I really like the way it sounds live because it really brings out all the warm tones in the song. It also is just a fun tune!

Let’s talk about the new tunes! “Pocket Full of Daisies” is lovely. Walk us through the inspiration for the tune!

“Pocket Full Of Daisies” is about how your own mental health can stop you from seeing beauty and love around you. Someone you can give you all the flowers in the world, but it is up to you to appreciate them. I wanted the tune to be upbeat and fun but introspective at the same time.

Was there anything different about your music-making process this time around? What is that process typically like?

I was hunched over my bed for a few days writing this song which is my usual process, but I decided to really take my time with perfecting this song. I’ve pushed myself in the past to avoid getting too perfectionistic, but I think I’ve found a good middle.

Do you ever get writer’s block? If so, how do you get out of that creative funk?

I listen to A LOT of music! I also try to stay inspired by surrounding myself with my friends making amazing art. I think if you find the right inspiration the song will come naturally.

Has there been a moment on this journey that still feels surreal to you?

Waking up to seeing my song on Spotify Fresh Finds earlier this year was pretty amazing, but I think people singing along to my songs at my live show topped that!

What is the perfect occasion to listen to a Chloe Berry song?

When you’re feeling like the main character in your very own coming-of-age movie.

What are some of your favorite things to do outside of the music space?

I grew up studying visual arts, so I love to draw and paint. I also love hanging out with people and animals I love— especially my cat Marley.

Who do you owe your biggest thanks to?

Oh, I can’t just choose one person! I owe a big thanks to my parents, Spoonuel, and Spirit Goth Records for being my biggest supporters!

And what can fans expect for the rest of 2021?

I have LOTS more live shows coming up and I will be releasing tons of new tunes with Spirit Goth Records. I’ve got lots of exciting things planned!

When Chloe Berry makes it to LA, she’ll be writing songs from her penthouse instead of her bedroom!


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