
Photo Credit: Mack Breeden

Photo Credit: Mack Breeden

Toronto’s Barkley isn’t afraid to break the mold. The singer/songwriter grew up idolizing 2000’s rock songstress Avril Lavigne, whose music and style influenced her to start writing her own. With the help of college friends like Matias Mora, the artist began to record her first “real” songs, molding her own, genre-bending musical style. Her latest release, “FNY”, is the perfect example of this; there are clear bedroom pop, rock, and EDM influences all throughout the track. She says that this outlook has allowed her to explore a creative side, one that “[leans] into what made [her] different.” Over the span of her career, Barkley has amassed over 170k streams and a growing following of over 35k monthly listeners. We recently spoke to the artist about her evolving musical style, artist inspiration, and more!

How did you get started making music?

I got started making music because I was deeply captivated by Avril Lavigne’s first album. I’m from Toronto, so seeing this young, Canadian, tomboyish girl take the world by storm really inspired me. From there, I picked up the guitar and then I realized— oh shit— if I’m going to be a rockstar, I need some songs to sing! So I became a bedroom songwriter, and then finally made my first real record when I met Matias Mora in college, who’s still one of my main collaborators to this day.

Before the debut of "Different", you had taken a significant break from releasing music. What was the reason for this and what made 2020 the year to start up again? 

I had spent the better part of the last four years being pushed towards songwriting for others by various team members over the years. Even though I started in this industry as an artist, somehow the goal shifted, and it became all about getting cuts (releases with other artists). Then, in 2019, I realized that I wasn’t being satisfied by just songwriting. I felt disposable and underutilized by the industry as a whole, despite having worked with some incredible artists. So I took a huge step back from writing for others and decided to commit to putting out my own project. I spent a year putting together this next batch of singles that’s coming out now.

Has your musical style changed over time? If it has, how so? 

Yes, it has changed plenty! For a long time, I was so obsessed with having a ‘hit’. I think that kept me from making something truly unique and artful— I was just trying to make a song that I thought would be well received commercially. When I let go of that, and leaned into what made me different, my sound really evolved. I started using guitars on every song, because that’s such an essential part of my identity/journey as a musician, and heavy autotune, etc. I basically let myself do all the shit that I thought was cool, and I stopped fearing if it would be well received by ‘industry’ people. Funnily enough, the music has been well received!

Which artists would you say have been the most influential in shaping this sound?

As mentioned above, I think the angsty, guitar-driven attitude comes from my early days listening to Avril Lavigne. And then the more experimental, autotuned elements come from loving real boundary-pushing artists like Charli XCX and Kanye West. I really admire artists who aren’t afraid to take risks, and who are singular in their vision, regardless of what other people want from them. People can feel when something is manufactured, versus when it’s just genuine art.

What is what thing that you wish you could tell your younger self?

Where do I start! I wish I could tell her that she’s actually a lot more competent than she gives herself credit for. And also that she’ll figure out how to dress herself decently one day.

What can we catch you doing on your day off?

Walking my dog, probably! I’ve gotten super into dog training and raising my puppy. I’m that psycho dog person. Not in an “I’m so quirky! I looooove dogs!” way. But for real. I’m really into dog psychology and puppy development. It’s extremely nerdy.

Walk us through your typical songwriting process. Has the pandemic affected this at all?

My typical songwriting process will sometimes start with a word/phrase or concept in mind, but the majority of the time I’m just jamming on the guitar and a certain chord progression catches my ear! If I find a progression I like, I’ll start spitballing melodies over it. If the melodies feel right, I’ll see it through and write the lyrics and finish the song. If I don’t get any chorus-worthy melodies, though, I’ll usually just scrap it and try again later. To me, great choruses are never forced! If the chorus isn’t there, then the song’s not going to work. My process hasn’t been very affected by the pandemic, I’ve just been doing zoom sessions with friends. 

Describe your music in just three words.

Raw. Earnest. Anxious. (kind of sums up my personality too)

What's next for Barkley?

I’ve got many more singles coming down the pipeline! One of them is a duet with my friend Alex, who goes by the artist name Girl Wilde. She’s incredibly talented, and it’s a queer love song. Super stoked about that one. 


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