Hong Kong Boyfriend

Photo Credit: Eddie Mandell

Photo Credit: Eddie Mandell

Hong Kong Boyfriend makes music for the dreamer. The Bay Area artist presents a unique soundscape that is heavy with indie pop and R&B influences. His musical journey began with classical music, as he only played violin before learning the guitar and joining choir in high school. This upbringing has clearly paid off; Hong Kong Boyfriend only made his debut earlier this year, but has since gained a significant Spotify following of over 67k monthly listeners. His song, “Cold Waters”, was a tremendous release, earning over 110k streams and a spot on the platform’s curated playlists. He says that he loves that “people seem to really be listening” and is “super excited to show everyone the rest of my world.” By all accounts, the rest of the world is equally as excited to listen. We recently spoke to the up-and-comer about his musical style, stage name, and more!

How did you get started making music?

I started playing violin when I was a kid, like a lot of Bay Area kids with Chinese moms. But classical music was limiting me in the kinds of emotions I wanted to express. I stopped practicing violin and started singing and playing guitar when I started high school. My mom wasn’t super happy about that, she tried to pull me out of choir a few times.

What made 2020 the year to start releasing your songs?

Honestly, it’s difficult for me to finish anything because I feel like I’m always getting better and learning new things. Somebody once told me that it’s easier to be in love with the potential of something you care about rather than the reality of what it really is, and that changed my perspective. I guess I know too much to be quiet anymore.

Your music certainly has indie pop/r&b roots, but also ventures into the experimental a little bit. How did you develop this musical style?

Bon Iver was one of my first inspirations, I always loved how he collaged words together. Then I heard Blonde my sophomore year and that changed my life. I like to blend genres - being half Asian I feel more comfortable in between.

Hong Kong Boyfriend is a name that definitely stands out. Have you ever been to Hong Kong before? If so, how was it?

Anyone I’ve met who has lived there says it is the most beautiful place. There is so much art and creativity there, it seems like such a world within itself. Plus, I don’t feel like I’m a part of China either. I want to go to Hong Kong so bad.

What has the reception been like following the success of "Cold Waters"?

I am so happy and grateful people are enjoying the song. People seem to really be listening. I’m super excited to show everyone the rest of my world.

Congratulations on the release of "Tiramisu"! Were you going for anything different with the release? What was the inspiration for the song?

My brother and I started writing that song when I was in high school. I had broken up with a girl and got back together with her a few weeks later. My whole life I’ve been very confused by my emotions and I love how this song makes it okay for some emotions to be questions.

What is the one thing that you've found the most difficult in your short time in the industry?

Every song I write it’s so personal and so relative to how I was feeling then. I feel like every song teaches me something new about myself, but it’s sometimes hard to look at older versions of myself with love.

Who are you teaming up with for a dream collaboration?

Me, Dominic Fike, and Mk.gee would create new colors.

What can we catch you doing on your day off?

Playing basketball with Aamir and reading Boys Don’t Cry.

What's next for Hong Kong Boyfriend?

Waking up, eat some Poptarts. Also, I’ve got joint called Sharlene coming out in a few weeks and another song later in the year.



