Ben Elder

Ben Elder

Atlanta’s Ben Elder is a twenty year old musician with a knack for music making. The artist has grown up surrounded by his city’s hip-hop and R&B influences, certainly shaping his distinct music style. He has many hats- a photographer, videographer, graphic designer- but still finds the time to return to music. His latest project, “Vitamin Energy”, was released on July 1st and contains some of his most popular work to date. Songs like “Moonsong” and “Falling Short” showcase Ben’s unique use of production and instrumentation. After just two years of releasing music to Spotify, he has gained a noticeable following of over 10k listeners. And, with more singles on the way under “Ben Elder” and his side-project, “Snacktime!”, the artist leaves much for fans to get excited about. We recently spoke to him about his start, songwriting process, and more! 

How did you start making music?

It was just always something that came naturally to me. I taught myself guitar and piano by ear at a young age, around five or six. I became obsessed with recording myself and learning how to manipulate audio. There was this program I had back then called Audacity, which is basically the most bare-bones DAW you can download – it doesn’t even have a grid! I was infinitely inspired by this idea of the “DIY producer,” especially in the hip-hop I grew up listening to. I eventually graduated to using FL Studio in my early teens, and I spent every day after that learning how to construct beats.

It’s your day off: How are you spending it?

I make myself breakfast, meditate, then start listening to music. I’ve been buying 45s from this local record store, mostly 60’s and 70’s soul. Sampling has been a big part of my songs as of late, so I’m always on the lookout for sounds I haven’t heard before. Most of my free time is dedicated to creating through music and other mediums. Outside of that, I’m usually with friends, practicing photography, and hanging out with my cat, Panda.

What was the last song you listened to?

“Breakin’ My Heart (Pretty Brown Eyes)” by Mint Condition. I love that era of R&B so much, I really can’t get enough of it!

Describe your music in just 3 words.

Collage of Colors.

“Moonsong” has such a unique vibe. Walk us through making the song. 

“Moonsong” started with this sample, “Our Waltz” by Ray Conniff. I layered some drums on top, and it gave this hypnotizing swing to it. To give it more life, I recorded some guitar, played some keys, and added bass. Then it was DJ Paul’s “Neighborhood Hoe” and Lil Peep’s “White Tee”. I’ve always been a fan of Memphis rap, the production has really influenced my music, so it just felt right to include that as a tribute. Lil Peep (RIP) is a huge inspiration for me as well, and his voice fit so well thematically. I had “Moonsong” as a song title written down, I thought that caught the vibe perfectly. The lyrics flowed pretty quickly after that.

It’s collab time: who are you choosing to make a song with? 

Production-wise, I’d do anything to be in the studio with J Dilla. His music is timeless. I’d also love to work with Justin Vernon one day. 

Any future projects for fans to get excited about?

I’m currently working on this new project “Chex Mix”, for Snacktime!, and some new singles to release under my name. Right now, I’m really just trying to get inspired. I don’t like setting dates for myself. I’m also hoping to start playing shows around the area, but the future is definitely unclear for me and a lot of people right now, so I’m just out here doing my thing.


Gone ‘Til Monday

