Camo Camille

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Atlanta, Georgia native Camo Camille impresses with infectious and undeniable vocals. While the artist has only released music for two years, his songwriting journey started at a young age; small poems and early journal entries would be a catalyst to the lyrical bliss heard today. Since his debut, Camo has released three of his R&B/Hip-Hop-centric tracks, the latest being “Silver Lining.” Drawing from the emotional toll of losing a friend, Camo exudes raw honesty and reliability. The song represents the artist at his finest, who never fails on captivating his audience. Over the past year, Camo’s career has soared to new heights, gaining over 1.6 million TikTok followers through his comedic and musical content. We recently spoke to the artist about this viral fame, plans for 2020, and more!

Hey Camo! First of all, congrats on the new release – “Silver Lining” is fantastic! How are we feeling now that it’s out?

Thank you! I was honestly stressing over getting it out but now seeing the love pour in feels really good.

And what was the inspiration behind the new track?

I was going through the emotions of losing a best friend, we have since reconciled but that was a rough period of time. Music has always been my outlet.

This is the third single that you’ve released so far. Are there any nerves before releasing a track? Has this changed over time?

I guess it’s a little nerve-racking wondering how a song/project is going to be perceived. I’d say I grow more comfortable with every release though.

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Was there anything different about your music-making process this time around?

I used to release demos I recorded in my closet weekly on SoundCloud but the past year I’ve really focused on quality over quantity. This is the 1st song I’ve recorded in an actual studio. Singing in front of new people and taking a step back from the engineering process was all new territory for me.

You are a part of the growing dual TikTok/Artist industry. What has it been like to blow up on the app?

Honestly... I have a love/hate relationship with TikTok. I had a scary amount of momentum last summer posting abandoned house and thrift content but as soon as I started focusing more on my music and personal life, the algorithm stopped showing my videos at the same rate. The app really blows people up quickly and moves on quicker, I see it happen all the time. I am appreciative of the platform I’ve built and the opportunities that have come my way due to having one, I just wish there was more consistency. I will say I’ve never had this many people approach me for photos prior to “blowing up” so I’m also grateful for that and the loyal followers who I keep in touch with regularly.

Has there been a moment that still feels surreal to you?

Seeing creators and celebrities I’ve admired follow me is wild. To think I had less than 200 hometown followers just last February is a bit surreal.

With that said, where do you typically draw inspiration from when writing your songs?

Personal experiences, I’ve always prided myself on writing from the heart.

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Which is the one Camo Camille lyric that best describes your life right now?

“If you haven’t seen me on your phone’s screen, you must be living under a rock. Just know, my bills are paid and I stay working on my own clock.”

Pretty self-explanatory, that’s part of a chorus I’m working on currently. I quit my day job a year ago to focus on my goals and have been self-sufficient thanks to my platform ever since. A little “haha, told you so” moment to everyone who ever doubted me.

Say you’re in charge of a musical festival. Which three artists are you choosing to headline the event?

That’s a tough one. I’d have to say Jhené Aiko, Frank Ocean, and SZA but Doja Cat better be somewhere on that lineup too!

What is one message that you want your fans to take away from your music?

You don’t need a label or years of schooling, just some confidence in your craft and the determination to keep going no matter how big or small you’re starting out.

Who do you owe your biggest thanks to?

My mother. She was my biggest fan, my best friend, and my role model, without her influence I wouldn’t be the person I am today or even here for that matter. Rest In Peace, her soul.

What can fans expect from you in 2021?

More music. I am phasing out of “influencer content” to chase my actual dream.

When Camo Camille makes it to LA, _____________.

I will be in studio mode, recording every day.


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