Goodnight Goodbye

Goodnight Goodbye

Indie-pop trio Goodnight Goodbye shines as the future of the genre. The brothers -- Joe, Sam, and Nat -- have continuously pushed in the envelope when it comes to their sound. The release of their Some Kind Of EP is the perfect example; the harmonious blend of acoustics, strings, and chimes heard throughout its title track are distinctly their own. “Laguna Dreams” has proven to be the most popular song of the project, based on an imaginary island thought up during the quarantine. A “Kokomo” idea of sorts, one that has helped the band have over 22k monthly listeners. In just one year releasing music, Goodnight Goodbye has earned themselves over one million streams and a loyal fanbase. We spoke to the group about their future as a band, inspiration, and more! 

How did you guys get started making music?

Music has been a central part of our lives even from when we were little, coming from a family of musicians, we formed our individual paths and naturally ended up joining forces while finishing university. We also found we had a mutual interest to help the environment, so this seemed like the ideal outlet to channel our other passions and views of making this planet a better place.

What made 2019 the year to start releasing your songs?

Coming to the end of our studies and just broken up with our girlfriends we found the time to throw ourselves full on into the music that we’d been playing around with for a bit. Also we found writing about things not working out for us became quite a cathartic experience for us and soon after Goodnight Goodbye was born.

What has been your proudest accomplishment thus far?

For people to care! Having started releasing songs the end of last year with nothing behind us we were lucky to find Spotify adding us to their playlists, from there more and more started discovering us and its just so nice to hear from fans and how our music is helping them. If we can brighten someone's day, especially these days, that means everything to us!

"Laguna Dreams'' is one of our favourites. What inspired the song?

This year the planet has been hit with COVID and most of us have had to adapt to lockdown living. As we couldn’t be out there making memories we had to let our imagination run a bit wilder - so we thought up the ideal place to quarantine in, and the island of “Laguna'' was born. We’d been listening to some more classic playlists from home as you can probably hear the influences of The Beatles, ABBA and Van Morrison running through the folk-y ballad. Think we were pleased how happy the song sounded once we finished it!

How important do you value authenticity when making your music?

We find it’s the easiest way to write and make songs, just start playing some chords and talk about something that’s on your mind or talking to friends often have great stories to write about. Trying to create something that seems authentic but doesn't sound like too much work for us to be honest!

What is one secret talent that each of you has?

Joe is a brilliant creator and can pretty much draw anything from his memory, while Sam has a great technical mind, he can solve any kind of computer problem and is a coding genius. Nat is the sporty one and has been the best at any sport (especially football) since the age of four.

Who are you teaming up with for a dream collaboration?

At the moment, we’re honing our own sound and want to establish that before adding more talent, but some day (in our dreams!) it would be pretty great to write a song with Fleetwood Mac.

Describe your sound in just three words.

Green, Dreamy, Nostalgic.

What are the best and worst things about being a band?

The best thing is all our different talents and opinions coming together in each song. Sometimes we have a few disagreements but being brothers we’re used to that! 

What's next for Goodnight Goodbye?

Well this year we’ve been building up to release our second EP, and we’re excited to announce our first ecological project alongside when it comes out!


Jacob Daley


Savannah Sgro