Jenna Raine

Teen Sensation Talks 2%, Girl Group Beginnings, and Social Media Success


By Ken Tse

Jenna Raine / Courtesy of Warner Music

The creative journey of singer/songwriter prodigy Jenna Raine is one that transcends the mediums of music, acting, and social media. Despite already having significant success in her seven-plus years in the industry, it was 2021’s TikTok’s sound “see you later (ten years)” that propelled the artist to unprecedented viral stardom. Less than a year after its initial release, the song has accumulated over 45 million collective streams, joining an elite class of pop anthems that have blown up with the help of the app. The Texas native is ready to deliver more of the same, with her latest release “2%”. We spoke to Raine about her girl group beginnings, new music, and all things social media success.

“2%” is such a wonderful follow-up release to “see you later (ten years)” – what was the inspiration behind the song?

The song was inspired by a fact I had written down in my songwriting journal. The percentage of high school sweethearts who actually get married is 2%. When I first read the statistic, I thought it was absolutely bizarre but it didn’t kill my hope. I wanted to write an inspirational song for all of the young ones who are with their high school sweetheart right now. I felt like there hadn’t been a lot of positive songwriting for young love lately…so I sat down on my piano and got to work!

Are there any lyrics from the track that you found particularly meaningful to you?
At the moment, my favorite lyric in “2%” is “they don’t have a clue of the extent teenagers go to.” Teenagers who feel like they have found their person truly put a lot of effort into their relationship.  Many people don’t realize or believe that, but it’s true. 

Your ability to convey thoughts and emotions through your music is incredibly special. What is one message that you want listeners to take from the release?

I want people to have hope in young love. I think it is such a special thing that is downplayed or overruled because of age.  Also, don’t listen to other people around you.  Especially those that you don’t know very well or at all for that matter!  These songs would not have been written if I had focused on some doubtful comments my so-called “friends” were giving me.  Always stay passionate and don’t let others get in the way of accomplishing your goals in life. 

You released “2%” accompanied by a version of “see you later (ten years)” with JVKE – what was it like to work with the artist?

Working with JVKE was such an amazing experience. At first, I thought I was going to need to write the second verse for the feature, then he said to just give him a day.  He wrote the second verse and recorded his vocals in almost no time at all. It was INSANE. He has an incredible work ethic, is an extremely talented artist, and is a lot of fun to be around. Having him on the set for the music video was a blast!  We had so many fun conversations from songwriter to songwriter.

Who are three other up-and-coming artists that you are listening to right now?

Holly Humberstone, Lizzy Mcalpine, and Mimi Webb.

You spent your early teens as a part of a girl group! How did your experience in L2M prepare you for your solo career?

I am so grateful for the experiences I had in L2M.  I learned how to record vocals in the studio at 11 years old.  I was taught how to dance and had to learn to pick up choreography quickly. We were blessed to work with a couple of very successful choreographers…Nick Demora and Wildabeast. I also got to be in my first songwriting camp which is where I fell in love with songwriting. All of these experiences definitely helped prepare me for my solo career. 

Jenna Raine / Courtesy of Warner Music

Were you nervous at all to release your solo music? And has this changed at all four years since your debut?

Yes, I was so nervous.  I remember having major anxiety before releasing my debut EP.  I was 14 years old and barely knew what I was doing! LOL.  Now that I have learned more about myself, who I am as an artist, and how to song-write, it has made the process more joyful.  Although, I still get nervous before every music release…not gonna lie!

Beyond your music is a thriving presence on TikTok – what is it like being a dual creator/artist in the space?

I think it’s pretty cool!  I love being able to present my music on TikTok but also do fun TikTok trends that show my personality so people can get to know me. It helps me connect with fans and allows them to see me as the normal teenager I am. 

With such a large following, do you ever feel pressure to post on the app?

100%. Now that my following has grown, I not only feel pressured to post, but I feel pressured to post something that I think everybody will love.  When I record one of my original songs it takes me at least an hour to record it.  Sometimes I go crazy perfectionist and take two hours or more to get it just how I want it. 

You’ve shared that deconstructing pop songs in your diary was one of your earliest methods of songwriting. Since you started as a solo artist, how has that part of the music-making process changed throughout the years?

I learn a lot by just listening to various songs and genres.  I have also worked with a number of different songwriters and have gained so much knowledge from them all.  Now that I am older and a bit more experienced, I am confident to voice more of my own creativity and apply it to a song…even in a room with well-accomplished writers. 

As a Texas native, what are some things that any tourist must do when they stop by?

They MUST go to Whataburger & go on the lake for a weekend! If you haven’t gone on the lake to go tubing or jet skiing in Texas, you aren’t doing it right!

Your career has taken you through the worlds of music, social media, acting, and more – what would you say has been your most surreal experience thus far?

Honestly, people coming up to me in public and recognizing me!  Sometimes I don’t realize the amount of people who have heard “See You Later”.  It makes me happy that my music brings people joy and comfort which is all I want to do through my success.

Do you have any advice for another up-and-coming artist?

Be you. Don’t try to recreate an artist that has already done their thing. I know it sounds so cheesy but you won’t get far if you don’t stick to your own creativity.  Also, don’t let professionals dull your originality. Stick up for your art and what you want.

Is there anything else you want your fans to know?

I have more music on its way! Three songs in particular that I plan on releasing very soon so keep an eye out!  

What can Jenna Raine fans expect from you for the rest of 2022?
A whole playlist amount of songs to be able to listen to, and hopefully some performances as well!  I will continue to release music that is true to me and who I am as an artist. I hope to bring happiness and joy to your year!


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Sally Sossa