Josh McClorey

Josh McClorey - 1 - Please credit Laura Jennings.jpg

“Everything Was Easy” is a mellow, heartfelt piece with a simple, chord-based underscoring. The man behind it? Ireland’s Josh McClorey, who impressively is a new artist. In fact, this is McClorey’s first song and only song, for now. He’s been striking gold in Ireland and the UK, where his song has made its rounds, receiving positive reviews for his plain yet complex piece. Notably, “Everything Was Easy” has an ethereal, experimental interlude in which a woman poses the question “Are we really interested in the same things? I wonder,” to McClorey, presumably, adding depth to the song. About a relationship either on the fringes of collapse or recently collapsed, McClorey laments of his heartbreak after his girlfriend cheats on him with none other than his friends. The up and coming artist has made his way onto a myriad of Spotify-curated playlists, two of which are pop-oriented, and we’re excited to see what’s next for him. We recently spoke with Josh McClorey about the reactions of those close to him upon the release of “Everything Was Easy,” why he chose to release the song as his first, and more!

How did you start making music? 

I grew up in a real musical household. My dad plays music and he taught me how to play bass when I was around 5 or 6 years old. Guitar came quite quickly after that around 9 and I began writing when I was around 14. I was raised on a lot of different stuff but my first love was AC/DC, they were definitely the first band I saw that made me want to be a musician. 

As a UK artist, what’s it like knowing your work’s made it across the pond? 

I’m actually from Cavan in Ireland, but it’s a great feeling that people are into the music from other places. There’s always been a huge connection between Ireland and the US so whenever I’m over there it feels very welcoming. Hopefully, I’ll get back there whenever there’s some level of normality again!

Your debut single “Everything Was Easy” is a little shy of a month old and already has over 30,000 streams. How does it feel?

It feels cool to be honest, but I’m mainly just excited that there’s music out there now and that the tunes I’ve been working on for the last few years are starting to see the light of day. 

What’s the song about? 

I’ll let you do the work on that one. That’s your job!!

As a new artist, is there any reason why you chose this song to act as your first? 

I think it just felt right to put out first. I think it’s a good starting point and leaves a little mystery over what’s to come. Plus the simplicity of the track is something I gravitated towards to lead with.

Is your other work similar to “Everything Was Easy,” or more of a departure? 

It’s all in the same world, this collection of singles were all written in the same couple weeks of each other so they all feel like a similar vibe to me. There are more movers and upbeat tracks but it has an overall cohesion.

What’s the coolest thing that’s happened in the slightly less than a month that your song’s been out?

The feeling of releasing music and being an active artist has been quite a lovely experience over the past month, especially with how crazy everything is in the world at the moment. Having some forward momentum has definitely been good for the soul.

How have your friends and family reacted to “Everything Was Easy”? 

Everyone has been really cool, to be honest. I've had some great support from my folks and friends to finally put this stuff out there so I’m grateful to them for the encouragement.

What do you want the world to know about the up and coming you? 

I’d like to just be able to stay independent and make music that nobody has messed with or filtered, that’s the goal here.

What can Josh McClorey fans look forward to?

Just honesty in the tracks, I can't make anybody like the music but I can be honest with what I’m saying and that’s my obligation really. And hopefully, an exciting live show when we’re able to do those again!


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