Kara Marni

Original Photo Credit: (Will Spoon)

Original Photo Credit: (Will Spoon)

London-native Kara Marni is a special talent— in less than three years of releasing original music, the artist has garnered millions of streams through her undeniable vocal ability. She began this journey only as a teenager; her YouTube cover of Minnie Riperton’s “Lovin’ You” received an overwhelming response, prompting what has become a full-blown music career. Kara has always given nods to the great artists of the past. Her 2017 cover of Whitney Houston’s “Your Love Is My Love” is one of her biggest songs to date with nearly 4.4 million Spotify streams. The artist has since evolved her distinct R&B/Soul blend through two full-length albums. 2018’s Love Just Aint Enough and 2019’s No Logic both received significant praise. This year marked even more successes for the artist, too; she teamed up with R&B powerhouse Russ to release “Young Heart.” “He’s the best,” Kara said. “Truly a man of his word and his willingness to share the love goes way beyond anything I’ve ever experienced as an upcoming artist…I will always be grateful to him for believing in me and this song.” More recently, the singer collaborated with Hip-Hop hitmaker Emiway Bantai for “Don’t Be The One.” Their music video trended #1 in India and currently has over 4.5 million views. We recently spoke to Kara about her evolution as an artist, her favorite memories, and more!

Hey Kara! Thank you for speaking with us. First of all, congrats on the release of “Close”-- the song is a hit! What was your inspiration for writing the track and how does it feel now that it’s finally out?

So happy it’s out now because although I wrote “Close” last year it’s still relevant to me now. It’s a very personal song to me about liking someone but knowing deep down that getting too close with this person will end in tears.

For the new listeners, let’s begin by talking a little about your beginnings. How did you start making music?

Well, Yiayia (Grandma) says I could sing before I could speak so for as I can remember I’ve been singing and annoying all my friends and family. During my time at school, I uploaded a YouTube video (my first ever) “Lovin’ You” by Minnie Riperton and was overwhelmed by the response I got. That’s where it all started.

The R&B sound that you’ve demonstrated in this latest track and in your previous work seems to be evolving. How important do you think this evolution was for you as an artist? 

I’m naturally always inspired by what I listen to and I haven’t stopped listening to Summer Walker, H.E.R., Teyana Taylor, etc. recently so when I’m in the studio I tried to channel that energy, and thus “Close” was born.

You’ve clearly had a stunner of a year; you won “Best Female Act” at the 2020 Urban Music Awards. What was this experience like for you?

I’ve never won anything before ... like ever - even the raffles/competitions at school haha! So it was amazing to win something that means so much to me !!

You also worked with Russ! How was that?

He’s the best. I honestly can’t sing his praises enough. Truly a man of his word and his willingness to share the love goes way beyond anything I’ve ever experienced as an upcoming artist. I will always be grateful to him for believing in me and this song.

Who is the next artist that would be interested in collaborating with?

I have a few ideas already so for now all I’m going to say is watch this space!

The pandemic has clearly taken a huge toll on everyone over the past year. Has your ability to make music changed at all during this time? 

Not my ability but just the way I have been making music has changed. I’ve had to become a lot more self-sufficient in all aspects. I’m now able to properly record my song ideas myself; from playing chords on guitar/ piano into logic, comping my vocals, mixing, etc. It’s actually really empowered me!

Do you ever encounter writer’s block? If so, what are some of the ways that you get through it?

Writer’s block can be a tricky one but what I like I do is when I am inspired, I always write down my ideas, whether that be a lyric or a word/melody, so if one day I’m feeling slightly less inspired I can remind myself of them and develop them.

This year marks two years since the release of your cover of “My Love Is Your Love”, a song that was huge for you. What is the most important lesson that you’ve learned since?

That one-take wonders can actually sometimes be the best! I never usually record my records in one take but there is a beauty in that initial take before I start overthinking/picking apart every line apart! Fun fact - although I go into the record of all my songs 99% of the time I end up reverting to my “demo” vocals from the day I wrote the song.

There are probably so many great memories that have been made during this time, too. Can you share one moment that felt truly surreal to you?

I’m useless at technology so being able to say I recorded/vocal produced my next single by myself from my little shed in the back of my garden does feel amazing! A huge achievement for a computer illiterate person like myself.

What is one piece of advice that you would give to a new artist? 

Work hard and be kind.

Lastly, what’s next for Kara Marni?

Next year I’m going innn! Consistent music, visuals/shows/new project...I can’t wait for 2021!


