

After years of playing music, Singer/Songwriter bunker has evolved into a genre-bending talent. In just three Spotify releases, it appears that he’s covered all of his bases. From the rap/r&b stylings of “Rose” featuring 86Love to the pop/rock sound of “hello darlin’,” the artist can do it all. bunker explains that his music comes with a purpose. “Listening to music has always been the main way I deal with things, I'm fascinated by how sounds can invoke such strong emotions and how some songs can feel like they were literally written about my life,” he said. ”I think that connection is what ultimately got me to start writing and singing, I couldn't really see myself doing anything else with my life.” It’s clear that he is doing something right; bunker has recently been featured on multiple Spotify curated playlists, including Fresh Finds: Best of Pop 2020. We can’t wait to see what he does next! Scroll down to read our full conversation with the artist where we talk about his new music, evolving sound, and more!

Hey, bunker! How did you get started making music?

Thanks for having me! Music has been a prominent part of my life since I was young. I played a few different instruments at school growing up and started playing in bands after I graduated high school, and that eventually turned into becoming a solo artist. Listening to music has always been the main way I deal with things, I'm fascinated by how sounds can invoke such strong emotions and how some songs can feel like they were literally written about my life. I think that connection is what ultimately got me to start writing and singing, I couldn't really see myself doing anything else with my life.

One thing that instantly came to mind when listening to your music is the varying styles. Was this intentional, and if not, would you say that you are still trying to find your sound?

A little bit of both! I think at first it was more so trying to find my sound but I've always enjoyed and appreciated the music of all different styles and genres so I didn't want to restrict my own art to just one style. I think having the ability to create in multiple ways that different groups of people can connect to is something I want to try to take advantage of. The change in style for future releases will be a lot less drastic but I'm always looking for ways to grow as an artist and try new things!

You only began releasing solo music in the summer of 2019. What made this the time to start doing your own thing?

Honestly, it took a lot for me to get to a place where I was comfortable releasing music by myself. I have a very specific vision for the art I make and that caused some issues in the past while in bands and having to split decisions with 4 or 5 other people. I didn't make music at all for a few years because I was a bit jaded from those experiences, but I'm glad it found a way back into my life.

What is the biggest thing that you’ve taken from your time in other bands?

I think just a lot of experience playing live shows, touring, figuring out how the industry works. Having bandmates to learn with and experience all those new things made it a little less intimidating. Also the connections I've made! I still keep in touch with a lot of people I played with years ago. I actually met my current producer probably 10 years ago when he was in one of my favorite local bands at the time.

You’ve done really well with “hello darlin’”, one of our favorites at the magazine. What made you decide to go to this pop/rock direction with your music?

Ahh, thank you! Yeah, the response to this one has been really cool! The pop/rock style is something I listen to quite a bit so it felt really natural to write a song in that style. I wanted the message to come across in an upbeat and happy sort of way even though lyrically it isn't the happiest song. I think writing it like that gave it a really cool contrast.

Can you tell us the inspiration behind the song?

The inspiration for that one came after the end of a relationship earlier in the year. It all happened at the height of lockdown earlier this year so I got really in my head about it. I had to do a lot of work on myself after that one, especially being locked down there wasn't a ton I could do to distract myself so dealing with those feelings and learning a ton of self-love lessons were how I got through it. I really wanted to take a tough experience and write it in a positive way because I really did grow a lot from it and I think it's important to share the good parts of a break up too.

Has the pandemic affected your ability to make music at all? If yes, how so?

I think if anything it's given me more of a push to write more. Things are so chaotic right now that writing about what I'm feeling has been really therapeutic and I feel like the songs are coming to me easier than they ever have.

Which three artists are you putting on the "Mount Olympus" of Musicians and why?

Just three?! Oof this is tough. For me personally, Frank Ocean has to be on there. Blonde was just such an iconic album for me. Lyrically, sonically and thematically that thing is a masterpiece from start to finish. It's probably a big reason I started making music again if I'm being honest with myself. If I'm calling myself a pop musician then I can't get away with leaving the King of Pop off the list so MJ [Michael Jackson] has to be there. There are so many more artists I could put in here but I think with respect to personal influence I'd have to go with The 1975. I really admire their ability to make their songs just sound so fun. They're really versatile in terms of style as well, they're not afraid to put out albums that could probably fit 3 or 4 different genres depending on what song you're listening to, and I think that played a big part in why I'm not afraid to genre-jump between releases.

Who do you owe your biggest thanks to?

So many people! I've got such a talented team behind the scenes that are always willing to help me bring my ideas to life. Anything from producers to photographers/videographers, graphic designers, and my family and friends. I've got a great support network and I honestly owe them all such a big thank you.

Lastly, what’s next for bunker?

I've been writing a ton over the last few months and spent a lot of time in the studio. I think the next single is coming in early January if everything goes to plan. Things beyond that are up in the air at the moment but I'm expecting a very busy 2021!


Nick Vyner


Kara Marni