
Photo Credit: Rig Reyes

Photo Credit: Rig Reyes

Camila Hernandez is a singer/songwriter who is contributing to the future of indie pop. The Ecuador native moved to the United States permanently at the age of 17 and has continued to record her pop melodies ever since. “Party Favor” was the first song released by the artist— her usage of sounds is not only surprising at times, but a trait that sets her music apart from the rest. Mila followed the release with a string of three singles. “Lucas”, her latest release, was a good sign for the artist. It was her most popular song to date, with 29k listens. And, for good reason. There’s not only a beat change…but a language change, too! The artist says that she has a lot more planned with many incredible artists— we spoke to her about this, her greatest musical influences, and more!

Tell us a little about yourself. How did you get started making music?

My name is Camila Hernandez. I was born and raised in Ecuador until I permanently moved to the US at the age of 17. It is crazy to say that my music journey started at the age of three, when I couldn’t even read, but my mom said I would not stay quiet. Ever.

Which artists have had the biggest impact on your sound?

This is a hard question to answer. I have many artists in different genres and languages that have inspired me to create the music I do now like: Billie Eilish, Nicki Nicole, Regina Spektor, Biig Piig, Jeremy Zucker etc.

Describe one real-life experience that inspired a song?

It is funny to say that all my songs are based on my personal love stories and real life experiences. Fun fact! “Lucas”, my latest single was based on a cyber relationship I had with a guy literally named Lucas. I think he knows.

Who are you teaming up with for a dream collab and why?

Like I stated before, there are so many amazing artists that inspire me, it’s so hard to choose. I think Tobi Lou, Craneo, Kidd Keo, Matt Champion, Paulo Londra, Jeremy Zucker and Khalid. I chose these artists because I love their vibe, and I think it would be a great combination of creativity, since some are super urban/street style, and the combination of a female and male voices sounds insane.

Do you ever encounter writer’s block? If so, how do you overcome that?

Yes! I do, and they most likely happen when my vibrations and energy are low. When this happens, I try to relax, and take a break from anything that could be triggering sadness, stress, or anxiety. Meditating helps a lot, and finding things that make me happy always get me back on track.

What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?

Do what you love, and what makes you happy.

Describe your music in just three words.

This is the hardest question of all! I would say Chill, romantic and dreamy. For now.

Walk us through your typical songwriting process. Is there a go-to location where you go for inspiration?

Well, I switch between my bedroom and a lake near my house. Sunsets always trigger my inspiration. I most likely write stuff any time of the day, it’s crazy how it just flows, but there are times that I’m falling in love, and I go crazy with my “Tete” (ukulele).

What can we catch you doing on your day off?

It all depends on my mood, but it’s either going to the beach, staying home watching movies, doing music and creating some cool fits.

What’s next for Mila?

I am now working on amazing projects with amazing people. I am also trying to create some music out of my comfort zone, hopefully a tour in the future and live concerts. I really hope for the best, I just want people to listen to stories that they can relate to and sing.


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