Phoebe AXA

PHOEBE ∆X∆- Things - lead press shot - 2020 .jpg

Phoebe AXA is simply everything you want in a pop artist. The singer/songwriter has impressed with her beautiful melodies and distinct lyrics. It would surprise many to know that she has only released two songs. Her debut with “Wisdom Teeth (Pressure)” was well-received, earning over 32k plays and a spot on Spotify’s curated playlist. Her sophomore single, “Things”, was released on October 16th and proved to be her most popular to date. The song has an infectious beat and does well in shaping the artist’s signature sound. We recently spoke with Phoebe AXA about her musical beginnings, bedroom music production, and more! 

Tell me a little about yourself! 

Well… my name is Phoebe Axa… I’m a singer, writer and a producer, I make some songs… I like good food and I have a sweet tooth… I wish I could dance, but I’ll learn… yeah, anything else? 

Perfect. You mention that you're completely self-taught in music-making and production. With that being said, "Wisdom Teeth (Pressure)" sounds incredible. How did you get started making music? 

I started making music when I was learning the piano really, I’d just sit and make things up… but I started writing songs when I began playing the guitar. I started off using this tiny loop pedal to layer up tracks and then one day my dad showed me GarageBand on his laptop and I realised I could make all the sounds I hadn’t been able to make before, then I progressed to Logic Pro and started to take it seriously, learning more over time. That was all I was really allowed screen time for so all my energy would go into that 

Has releasing music always been something that you've wanted to do? 

I’ve always wanted to put my music out. When I was a kid I used to design little CD covers and pretend they were my albums. It’s been a long time coming so I’m glad I’ve finally got stuff out. Kid me would be happy. 

How important do you think bedroom music production is in the future of the music industry? 

I think it takes you back to the raw forms of music. It’s an original sound straight from where you’re most comfortable. I think it gives people more freedom in creating, it’s a more personal approach I guesssss. 

Let's talk about your first release. What was the inspiration for "Wisdom Teeth (Pressure)"? 

I actually had the worst pain in one of my actual wisdom teeth. It pissed me off for ages, and I was also really feeling the pressure of having to start adult life and watching all my friends take completely different paths to me. I felt quite alone and also became really self aware a bit too fast - so I kind of realised a lot of things needed fixing haha. Wisdom teeth don’t actually give you any wisdom either, just a load of pain and a likely operation. So I combined the two narratives I suppose. 

Were you ever nervous at all the release music? If so, have those nerves calmed a little after the recent acclaim?

OH MY GOD YEAH. I was so so nervous because I honestly thought everyone would hate it. But hey. 

You have a new song, "Things", coming out soon! What can we expect from the new release? 

A lot of overthinking and going around in circles. 

What can we catch you doing on your day off? 

Eating. Or browsing the vintage stores. 

What's next for Phoebe AXA? 

Who bloody knows. A lot more music? And stories. Exploring new sounds.


Fitz Leland

