My Kid Brother

My Kid Brother

My Kid Brother’s music is everything you want in a rock group: Innovative and catchy, while also being intimate and personable. Consisting of Christian Neonakis as the vocalist/guitarist, Piano Whitman as the vocalist/keyboardist, Sam Athanas on the drums, Dylan Savopolous on the guitar, and Richard Smith as the bassist, the quintet’s sound is the product of a melting pot of talent. Assembling the band’s current members over the course of two years, My Kid Brother signed a record deal with Fearless Records after playing local shows. The Leesburg, Virginia-based group has since recorded four of their songs, earning spots on 2 Spotify-curated playlists as a result. Their widespread appeal in recent months is simply a testament to their work ethic and love of making music. We recently spoke with the band about the inspiration behind some of their songs, what’s next for them, and more! 

How did you guys start making music?

All of us had been in different bands from young ages and have been writing music since we were kids. Once we got the whole gang together we all just naturally gelled musically and as friends so it all just happened really naturally.

When writing “Daydream”, where did you draw inspiration from?

“Daydream” was inspired by the idea of the counterculture. I think the people who choose to go against social norms are the most admirable. As long as you're not hurting anyone, do whatever makes you feel good. Support and take care of each other especially the marginalized.

When you aren’t making music, what do you like to do?

Unanimously we all like to meet up, cook a big meal and drink. I mean each of us has individual interests, but we are all always down to cook, drink and hangout.

Who’s your partner in a dream collab?

I'm sure this is only true for me (Christian), but without a doubt my dream collab would be with Weird Al.

Which artists influenced your style most?

There are probably too many to list, but...Portugal The Man, Modest Mouse, Vulfpeck, David Bowie, Eagles, Queens of the Stone Age, Hippo Campus, Manchester Orchestra, Marilyn Manson etc.

You have a day off. Where are y'all going?

If we’re going out we might go to see other local bands like The Duskwhales, Elizabeth II, Oh He Dead, or Maggie Miles (that list goes on and on). Otherwise we would probably play disc golf or play Settlers of Catan.

What are you guys planning for the future?

Right now we are in the planning stages of recording our first full length album, so hopefully we can get that put out in the near future. In addition to that, we are working with our label and management to find new ways to produce content while we aren't able to play shows. Hopefully soon we will be out touring and playing shows once everything starts to safely open back up.


Secondhand Sound

