Sam Creighton

Sam Creighton

Sam Creighton already has quite the resume. She’s performed privately for the Obama’s, recorded vocals for Pentatonix, and was featured in John Legend’s documentary Sing It On. But before all of that, she’s a singer/songwriter with an infectious and unforgettable style. Her singles “Someone Else’s Party,” “After Midnight,” and “Smile” all have hundreds of thousands of streams. This early success has built the artist an extremely impressive following of over 30 thousand monthly listeners. Her talent has landed her features in PAPER Magazine, Refinery29, and on Spotify’s Fresh Finds playlist. Don’t be fooled by this extensive list of accomplishments, though. She’s only just gotten started. We recently spoke with Sam about her musical inspiration, the first album she ever purchased, and more!

How did you get started making music?

I got started making music when before I started speaking. My grandfather sat at the piano and propped me up on his lap and we would sing together! I have him to thank for instilling my love of music so deeply in my soul. After choirs, drama clubs, and local singing competitions, I joined the a cappella group in college. We sang all around the world, won international titles, and were even featured on a TV show produced by John Legend. I moved to LA after graduating and met a great group of people that introduced me to the craft of songwriting. From there, I fell in love with telling my own story through music.

“Someone Else’s Party” was a great success. What was your inspiration for the song?

Thank you! It’s definitely my favorite one I’ve released. It feels so personal and I can tell people relate to that. The inspiration was definitely low self confidence and a little bit of impostor syndrome. I’m the first person to show up for all of my friends, but I have such a hard time celebrating myself and my little victories, so I wanted to put that into a song.

Most artists have a dream venue: Where's yours?

I don’t actually have a dream venue. I know what’s meant for me will he mine, and that life will lead me down the path that’s destined for me, so my dream is just seeing that through, and appreciating every moment along the way! I know I’ll continue to perform all around the world, and I’m just excited to keep growing and elevating as an artist!

What was the first song/album you purchased?

My first album was 2Become1 by the Spice Girls! I was so excited that I cried. I think it was just the one song on the CD, and I was definitely too young to understand the innuendos, but I was still loving every bit of it.

What comes most naturally to you when it comes to making music? 

Lyrics. Story telling is my forte. I’m a very emotional person so I just let the word vomit happen whenever I go into a session. It’s very therapeutic for me.

What do you like to do when you’re not making music?

I love running, traveling, eating really good vegan food, and learning more about spirituality and how to navigate this world. I always want to be outside and on the beach, so odds are, you’ll find me there.

Any future projects for fans to look forward to?

Yes! I have a few songs coming out and then an EP to follow, so stay tuned and follow my socials to stay updated!


Hannah Blackburn
