Hannah Blackburn

Photo Credit: Freia Lily

Photo Credit: Freia Lily

Australian musician Hannah Blackburn was destined to make music. Throughout her childhood, she was told she wasn’t good enough to pursue a career as a singer. Now, she’s proving them wrong. Her 2019 single “Did You Always Know” has over 250K streams on Spotify alone. Pure vocals and wonderful Folk melodies have earned Blackburn a spot on Spotify’s Fresh Finds: Indie playlist, and a following of over eight thousand monthly listeners. Although COVID-19 put a halt to her first tour, she’s still hard at work creating her debut album. Considering the success she’s already seen in her short career, her future works should serve as re-affirmation of her musical prowess. We recently spoke with Hannah about her dream venue, her favorite hobbies, and more!

How did you get started making music?

I properly started writing songs that I could work with when I was about 19. But my dad taught me the basics on a nylon string guitar when I was about 13, and I just learnt from there. The first song I ever learnt was 'Our Song' by Taylor Swift (haha), and that taught me I could write a song with just 4 chords, so I started writing my own stuff pretty much immediately.

What do you like to do when you’re not making music?

Currently I am trying to nail the balance between watching Hart Of Dixie, spending time with my friends, and nannying the greatest 2-year-old in the world.

“Did You Always Know” is one of our favorites. What was the inspiration for the song?

This song is the classic big break-up song. I'd just got out of this very deep relationship, and was sitting in a school playground, waiting to pick up some kids from school (nannying again), and I was SO heartbroken, I felt like I couldn't breathe. My brain kept playing all the good times from the relationship on repeat, like a movie. It was torturing me, so I just wrote them all down in the notes in my phone to get them out of my head, and that's the first verse. That song is that classic question, when a serious relationship ends, and you can't help but ask if they always knew it wouldn't work. Why did they string you along for so long? Or did they feel the same disappointment as you?

Which of your songs is your favorite to perform and why?

At the moment I'm Fine is my favourite. That's my newest single. It feels really fresh, and it's a bit of a slowburner, so when the second verse comes I'm ready to really go for it.

What was the first album you purchased?

This sounds terrible, but I can't remember! My uncle worked for Rage (Australia music video program), and in the 90's that was the shit. He'd bring home hundreds of CDs and demos from every artist from every genre and every country. I remember for my 5th birthday, that uncle gave me Shania Twain's Come On Over, and Faith Hill's Breathe, and my grandparents gave me Aqua. They were the first albums I owned.

Most artists have a dream venue. What is/are yours?

The Forum, Melbourne.

Any future projects for fans to get excited about?

I'm about 2/3 the way through my first album!!!


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