Sarah Kang

Photo Credit: Koo Chung

Photo Credit: Koo Chung

R&B singer/songwriter Sarah Kang’s music style is smooth, soulful, and infectious. Like many talented up-and-coming artists, she grew up surrounded by music-- an experience that has shaped her career path. The artist made her streaming debut in 2015 with the Fair Weather EP, and has since racked up hundreds of thousands of streams. Songs like “For a Summer” and “Typical” have gotten her critical acclaim and a quickly growing fanbase; she’s recently been featured on Spotify’s Ready for the Day and Fresh Finds playlists. In the five years since she first began releasing music, the artist has amassed over 39K monthly listeners, everywhere from Bangkok to Los Angeles. Now, Sarah looks to become to next big name in the music industry. We recently spoke with Sarah about her hobbies, the future of her career, and more!

How did you start making music?

I grew up with music around me. My mom is a piano teacher and vocalist, and I played the french horn in school. However, I was a closeted singer until college when I joined an a cappella group. I wrote my first original song during my senior year of college about my then-boyfriend (now-husband) and our long-distance relationship. I'm too embarrassed to listen to that song now, but it was a turning point in my creative path and the beginning of identifying myself as a songwriter and not just a performer.

Where is your go-to location when it's time to write?

I always have a running list of ideas and thoughts in my head, but the actual writing and composing part happens at home. I like to feel comfy to let my brain flow, so I'm usually sitting cross-legged on my bed with my guitar (or lying down and staring at the ceiling when I feel stuck). I've even written a song in the middle of the night because I woke up with the lyrics running through my head, and I had to reach for my phone to quickly write them down before I forgot them.

What’s your all-time favorite shower song?

“Imagine” by Ariana Grande.

Can you walk us through your typical creative process?

My songs usually start with a specific thought or concept that came to mind on a walk, during a conversation with a friend, from a movie I watched, etc. When I sit down to write, I usually come up with a chord progression on my guitar first, and then decide which of the ideas in the running list in my mind best suits the vibe of the progression. From there, I write the melody and lyrics together. After I record a demo of usually just my guitar and vocals, I work with a producer who helps flesh out the song and make it come to life.

What do you like to do when you're not in the studio? 

I love to cook and bake. Songwriting isn't always successful - I could sit down to write for hours and not come up with anything I like, which is frustrating. But cooking and baking almost always guarantees an edible outcome, as long as you follow the recipe. It's a welcome and helpful distraction from songwriting, and I find it to be satisfying to create something from start to finish and be able to share it with loved ones.

Who's an artist(s) you would love to collab with?

H.E.R., Bruno Major, Crush.

Any future projects for fans to get excited about?

This year, I've been releasing a single a month. My next one, called "Summer Is for Falling in Love" releases on July 31st! It describes that quintessential feeling of falling in love in the summer and the fleeting beauty and nostalgia that come with it.



