Yuki Dreams Again

Yuki Dreams Again

Starting from the need for royalty-free music for a high school project, Yuki Dreams Again has had a feel and passion for music-making. Yuki is a Montreal musician making moody hip-hop/R&B that’s equally rhythmic and catchy. On his biggest song, “Endlessly,” Yuki picked up a guitar and recorded the mellow riff, layered drums and carefully placed production, and chose a repetitive mantra for the lyrics, all allowing for an seriously foot-tapping track. His independence from a major label has made his current following completely grassroots yet he’s already been featured on multiple Spotify playlists. This has signified his potential in the music industry with a unique sound already visible in his 2-track discography. His newest track, “Too Fast,” was released November 18, and we don’t see any signs of him slowing down any time soon! We recently spoke with Yuki Dreams Again about his next moves in the industry, his days off from recording, and more!

How did you get started making music?

I was in high school at the time and we needed royalty-free music for a school project so I created songs from scratch for that project & It felt right so I never stopped from there.

We're sure you get this a lot, but what is the meaning behind your name?

Well, it originally comes from this idea that when you break patterns, you often start dreaming again. So I guess the meaning would be a reminder for me to never stagnate & stop evolving.

Congratulations on the release of "Endlessly.” What inspired the song?

Thank you! The guitar. For the first time in my life I wasn’t scared to grab and play it even though I’m not a guitarist. It gave birth to a guitar sample & then I based the whole song around it. Also comes from the ambition to write a mantra, something repetitive, but with a strong and general message.

Walk us through your typical songwriting process. 

I think of colors, burn incense, sit on the piano or guitar. Find chords I like, drag & drop drums, create a rhythm. If it moves me, I proceed to write to it, if not, I delete the project and start something new. It can go on for countless hours until I find something I wanna write to.

Describe your music in just three words. 

What is that?

What can fans expect from every Yuki Dreams Again song?

Hmmmm, I’d say emotion.

Who are some artists that have helped shape your sound?

Frank Ocean, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Alicia Keys, Daniel Johnston, Nina Simone, Kanye to name a few.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?

To have every superpower I want.

What can we catch you doing on your day off?

Play ball, cook, read, ride my bike around the city, this is where I get most of my inspiration.

Who do you owe your biggest thanks to?

Hmm, good question. Probably my mom.

What’s next for Yuki Dreams Again?

Music and shows when COVID is over, hopefully an EP before the summer of 2021 & music videos this is where my music sits best.


Morgan St. Jean

