Zac Pajak


Zac Pajak can do it all. Through a career that includes both singing/songwriting and producing credits, the artist continues to demonstrate his one-of-a-kind artistry and versatility. Take a song like “Retrograde” for example, Pajak’s most popular release which now has over 230k Spotify streams. The song was featured on the popular show Love Island, which undoubtedly helped the artist within his solo work. The beautiful acoustic is a hit, for sure, but is far from the limitations of his creative abilities – “Stay” is an early collaboration for the artist that includes the soulful Connor Mac. The track is filled with elements of Indie-Pop and R&B while still remaining true to his sound. But what is his sound, exactly? It’s seemingly anything he wants it to be. Pajak has proven this time and time again through his work with Major Lazer and McFly. We chatted with the artist about his career prospects, lessons learned, and more!

Hey Zac! Thank you again for speaking with us. Let’s begin with an introduction – How did you get started making music?

Great to meet you and thanks for having me! I started out playing in bands when I was younger until the band I was in split up and I found myself writing songs and singing them solo. I used to go to a lot of open mics and busk around London as a teenager and then I discovered music production a few years later and that’s when I started to put everything I’d learned together!

You’ve been releasing your songs for three years now. What is the most important lesson that you’ve learned during this time?

I think the biggest thing I’ve learnt is just to enjoy the process. I always try to maintain that excitement about a song from the moment it was written all the way to it being out there and released. It’s so easy to be influenced by so many different things when your creating something and you have to trust your own instincts a lot of the time.

One of the first things that we noticed is your ability to work with artists of all different genres. How have some of these experiences affected you creatively?

I think my own process hasn’t actually changed too much as a result from writing and collaborating with other artists. When I’m writing for a specific artist it just becomes about whatever’s right for them and helping them tell their story.

Which one do you prefer: collaborating with other artists on their tracks or working on your solo music?

I really enjoy doing both for different reasons. I guess I’ll always have that little bit more freedom with my solo stuff but collaboration is a huge part of why I make music in the first place and I’m really grateful to have had the opportunity to work with some amazing artists. I think I love one just as much as the other!

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Is there a genre that you’d like to pursue but haven’t yet?

Honestly, I try not to think too much about genres when I’m writing and recording, if something sounds good in the context of the song - I’ll probably use it. Sometimes it’s a synth or drum sample, other times it’s a cello or a trumpet. 

We discovered your music through Spotify’s Love Island playlist! What was it like having “Retrograde” featured on the show?

Amazing! In fact, I only found out that it was going to be featured on the show about twenty minutes before it was on, so it was so it was a nice surprise! I don’t think I’ll ever get used to hearing a song I’ve written on TV or the radio for that matter. 

“About Time” is lovely. Walk us through the inspiration for the song. Were you going for anything new with the release?

Thank you! I wrote About Time with a friend of mine Angus, we were sat in the studio just catching up I mentioned that my girlfriend and I were thinking of moving out so we ended up writing a song about it. I guess with it being such a tough year for everyone we just wanted to write something that felt really positive in the hope that it makes people feel good! 

How does the typical Zac Pajak tune come together?

It changes a lot and I like finding new ways of keeping it interesting but often I’ll start with a chord progression on the guitar or synthesiser. I’ll record something really rough, just enough of a vibe to find a vocal melody, and then I’ll fit lyrics to that melody. 

I always try to keep production to a minimum in those early stages of writing a song because I think if you can write a great song with just the bare bones and some basic elements, you could produce that song in a hundred different ways and it’ll still be a good song.

I’ve been in rooms with people using all sorts of different writing methods though and it’s definitely fun to switch it up - if it works, then anything goes really!

Has the pandemic affected your creative process at all?

As tough as it’s been, this past year has allowed me the time to reflect and really explore where I can take things sonically which has been a good thing for me. I’m really proud of every song on this new EP because of it. It took a bit of adjusting to Zoom and FaceTime but the process was pretty much the same!

Which is one song that you wish you wrote?

I think mine would be ‘Waiting On The World To Change’ by John Mayer.

What are some of the things you enjoy doing outside of the studio? 

I really love to ski. I worked for a long time as a ski instructor in the European Alps and whenever I get the chance I’m back in the mountains. Some great friends of mine still live out there and it’s a pretty inspiring place to write music too.

What can fans expect in 2021?

My new single ‘Silver Lining’ is out on April 2nd and my Midnight EP drops in May, I’m super excited for people to hear it! I’ve really missed playing live this year so I’ll be lining up some shows as soon as we can all enjoy live music again together. I’ve been working on a load of new music I’ve written over lockdown too which I’m really excited about so lots more releases this year. 

When Zac Pajak makes it to LA., _____________.

When Zac Pajak makes it to LA... he’ll be ready to play some shows again! I was actually supposed to be in LA last September, playing at the Hotel Cafe. I was so gutted when we had to cancel the trip due to the pandemic but I’ll definitely make it over soon! 




Ai Bendr