Brandon Mundine

By Ken Tse / Eli Goodwin
Brandon Mundine

With over 700,000 followers on TikTok, Brandon Mundine’s got quite the platform at his disposal, a platform that he’s managed with absolute grace. The star, who currently boasts 19.3 million likes and counting across all his videos, goes about his account with a plethora of trends and playful humor. He stays out of conflict and remains responsible, leading us here at WIMITLA to beg the question: Where is his hype? On the rise, that’s for sure. This is only the beginning for Mundine, who has recently been picked up by a talent agency. With 1426 videos, the man is a consistent content creator, the likely secret to his growing fanbase. We recently spoke with Brandon Mundine about how he viewed a social media career in terms of possibility before the advent of TikTok, what some of the things are that inspire his content, and more!

Hey Brandon! Great to be speaking with you! How did you first join the TikTok app?

Hey, it’s great to speak to you as well! I first started TikTok as a joke just to have a couple laughs with my friends.

Before your viral success, did you ever think a career in social media would be possible?

Honestly it was probably one of the last things on my mind that I saw myself doing. It has always been a dream I saw as too far to reach.                                                          

Has TikTok allowed you to come out of your comfort zone at all? In what ways?

TikTok has honestly allowed me to just let go and just be me. I’ve realized you can’t please everyone so why try? As long as you’re doing what makes you happy, you’ll find people who will gravitate toward you.

Your content is definitely comedy and dance-oriented. What are some inspirations for your content?

My inspirations would definitely have to be my music and family. I loved to hear new songs and make dances to them or even do ones that already are made for fun. The comedy stuff is me just showing my personality and who I really am.

Has this process changed because of the pandemic?

Not so much because a lot of my stuff I can do alone, but the vibes are definitely better when I’m with all my friends.

We saw that you started posting to YouTube, too! What was your idea behind taking this direction with your platform?

I just felt that on YouTube I could really show how me and my friends are on a daily basis. I look at it as a way to give our supporters a better understanding of who we are behind TikTok. It’s also where I see myself posting for years to come so when’s a better time to start then right now?

What’s one that you wish you could tell your younger self?

One thing I wish I would tell my younger self is love hard, you’re going to fall but you’ll always get back up.

What are some of your favorite hobbies outside of TikTok? Have these been incorporated into your content at all?

Some of my favorite hobbies are definitely just hanging out with my friends, playing basketball, listening/writing music, and video gaming. I’ve definitely shown off all of my friends on my page but I’m hoping to start streaming video games on Twitch one day soon to show everyone that side of me.

Share one real-life experience that inspired a video.

I was in a 3 year-long relationship that was very toxic and unhealthy for me. So, a lot of my content is to help inspire people that things always get better, to always be the best version of you, and just to be able to show people that I can relate to them. I believe when people just know that you understand the feelings or pain they go through, it’s a deeper connection. Which is what I want with all of my supporters.

Lastly, anything to plug? What’s next from Brandon Mundine?

What’s next? Well everyone can expect more YouTube videos consistently! Working on a Twitch stream, and the last one involves a house with a few of my friends but we’re going to keep that one low-key for right now!


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