Callum The Ridgy

By Ken Tse


Drake and Josh walked so Callum and Shane could fly; this dog and owner duo, known as @CallumTheRidgy on TikTok, has quickly become one of the go-to accounts for fun and entertainment. They only made their first video together in January but have since gained over 1.4 million followers and 8.7 million likes. Callum is a lot more than just your average dog-- Shane credits his sidekick for helping him deal with his Tourette’s syndrome. “Once Callum came into my life, not only did he take the focus off my tics, but he seemed to sense when I was about to do them,” Shane explained. “…he would come up to me and nudge me or try to play with me which distracts me from my tics.” Together, the two do everything from Target runs, comedy sketches, and more! Shane hopes that the two will be able to appear on a late-night talk show one day-- they’re off to a great start! We spoke to him about Callum’s role in everyday life and a dream collab!

Hi Shane! Let's start by talking about your beginnings on the app. What convinced you to start making TikToks?

Prior to getting Callum in December, I already had the TikTok account but never really participated. By January, I posted a few videos and saw that people really seemed to like it. So I felt this could really be something. Then, March came around and due to the pandemic, school started to be virtual which gave me a lot more time.That’s when my TikTok account really took off. 

Obviously, Callum has played a huge role in your life for some time. Can you talk a little about this role and the ways in which he has improved your life?

As you're aware, I have Tourette’s which are motor tics ( eye twitching, shoulder shrugging, etc…tics are always different) and vocal tics (I don’t curse, but might say a word louder than the others or clear my throat constantly). I’ve done meditation, breathing techniques, trying to squeeze and item in my hand, but nothing really worked. Once Callum came into my life, not only did he take the focus off my tics, but he seemed to sense when I was about to do them, so he would come up to me and nudge me or try to play with me which distracts me from my tics. By now my vocal tics have pretty much disappeared and my motor tics are barely noticeable. I am aware that you can outgrow Tourette’s, however I truly believe that Callum has helped me immensely. 

Can you discuss a real-life experience that led to the creation of a TikTok?

Normally I just make up ideas for the TikTok videos, but there is one in particular where there was a threat of a hurricane coming which led me to make video.

If you could collaborate with any other creator on the app, who would they be and why?

It would definitely have to be Jason Derulo because his TikTok’s are very entertaining and it would be an honor to do a collaboration with him.  

How has the quarantine affected your ability to make content?

Not that we like being quarantined, but, we’ve had definitely more time and therefore we are able to make a lot more videos or livestreams.

Which one of your recent videos was your favorite to make?

My most favorite I’d have to say would be the “Oh hey Callum” videos.

How has your content changed since you started on the app?

We used to copy other popular TikTokers but soon realized that we can come up with our own ideas.

If you could have one superpower, what would that be and why?

I would want to fly so I would be able to visit my grandparents in Switzerland whenever Id want to.

What can we catch you and Callum up to on your days off? What about yourself?

Callum and I love to go to parks such as dog parks, or go for long walks and skateboarding. I love to go surfing, mountain biking and in the winter, skiing!

Lastly, what's next for you and Callum?

Our goal is to get verified on Instagram as well, as being on a late-night talk show such as Jimmy Kimmel.


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