Reagan Yorke

By Ken Tse


Reagan Yorke is a TikTok OG-- she began making content over four years ago when the app was still known as After a comedy skit featuring her dad went viral, she launched what would become a full-fledged social media career. To this day, Reagan’s content frequently includes her dad as well as fellow creators like Kyle Shaffer. From hilarious sketches, to viral dance trends, to story-times, Reagan does it all! “[My content] represents the different stages of my life,” she explained. “Some good...and some extremely embarrassing...The way I dress, talk, and communicate with my followers is changing as I go through life and experience my new adventures.” The influencer credits the app for allowing her to break out of her shell, a sentiment which has certainly paid off in recent months; Reagan has now earned a social media presence of over 2.8 million followers and 84 million likes! We spoke to her about this journey, plans for the future, and more!

Hey Reagan! Thanks for chatting with us today. Let's start by talking a little about yourself. How did you get started on TikTok?

I got started on TikTok about 4 years ago when the app was originally! I remember filming a comedy skit with my dad and it getting featured on the front page of the app! I was shocked by the support from the online community and my account quickly developed to my biggest passion! 

As an OG on the app, how does it feel to see TikTok blow up as it has?

It’s insane to see the growth of TikTok in the last few years. I’m so proud of the team for creating such a relatable app that has become the backbone for Gen-Z culture and trends. I’ve definitely grown up here! Each month the app updates based on what the creators are putting out so it's definitely cool to see new effects and features added that are in line with our creative expression. Four years ago there were many limitations, we didn’t even have the ability to add text or original audios to our videos, and now the opportunities are endless which is why the app is so fun!


You've amassed over 2.7 million social media followers since you started in 2016. What has been the biggest change in your life since? What do you feel has been the best perk of your TikTok success?

I noticed a peak on my account a year or so ago when I let my previous guard down and wasn’t afraid to post crazy content! I remember a video went viral of my friends and I making a dance move, and since that, I quickly realized all the videos I was holding back before from fear of judgement are the ones that now perform the best! The TikTok community is always open and most definitely not afraid of wacky content. You name it... Tiktok has seen it! 

Your content seems pretty spontaneous--comedy, lifehacks, dance trends-- but doesn't conform to any type of niche. With that said, how do you typically decide which videos to create?

If I scroll through my TikTok page it really does represent the different stages of my life. Some good...and some extremely embarrassing! The way I dress, talk, and communicate with my followers is changing as I go through life and experience my new adventures. I like to say that I post what is happening in the moment! The world around me is constantly switching up and that always keeps my content fresh and new! 


Has the pandemic affected your ability to create content? If yes, how so?

I definitely think that the pandemic gave me a new start with my content, and for that, I am thankful. Everyone’s lives changed so fast and with that, so did TikTok! I look back at my videos from 6 months ago and think... who was she? The time at home, especially with family, allowed my brain to reflect on what I really wanted to put out into this creative space. Although I’m not 100% where I want to be with my content, I feel as though I am getting closer to my authentic self I have been hiding for so long! 


If you were to start a content house with three other creators, who would they be and why?

I definitely have to say Kyle Shaffer, my go-to TikTok best friend & soul mate! We grew up together on the same soccer team at age 7, and he just gets me. This social media world was so new to us both and I would be lost without his spunky energy to lighten the stress! I would also choose Preston Garcia, another super genuine friend I have made in the TikTok world whose skits always have me laughing on the floor! Lastly, I have to say Charli Damelio - the queen of TikTok! She is another super sweet influencer I have met, and I could for sure use some help with learning the forever changing TikTok dances! 


What can we catch you up to on your day off?

I’m actually a full time college student studying film, so I rarely get the off day... but I like it this way! If my world isn’t chaotic and spinning at 100 miles an hour, something isn’t right! When I do get to take a deep breath, however, I love shooting films with other classmates and going on adventures with my roommates! (We love spontaneous trips, and a last minute trip to Vegas isn’t uncommon)


Share one thing that fans don't already know about you.

I have a twin brother! This is something a lot of people don’t know because he usually isn’t in front of the screen, but riding ambulances instead! He lives in Boston as a paramedic, and currently for school, and wow I’m just so proud of him. We are complete opposites when it comes to TikTok and he avoids it at all costs (Although I do bribe him to hold the camera and be a tripod for me) but I know he’s always there if I need him. For that I am forever thankful! 


Which one of your recent videos was your favorite to make and why?

 I loved making my recent Christmas review video for sure! Mainly because it gives me a chance to review a bunch of fun Christmas products for followers... and an excuse to get a bunch of things I really don’t need! I love interacting and listening to my followers' requests and learning more about them, and this was a fun way to do so. We are definitely a big family! 


Who do you owe your biggest thanks to?

 Wow this one is hard! I can’t thank all of the management and friends involved in my life enough. Without them believing in me, my TikTok success wouldn't be possible! I also can't forget Kyle, my partner in crime, who is featured in so many of my videos, it would be tough to start this journey without him! Also a huge thank you to my roommates who help me keep a balance between my college life and TikTok passion, sometimes I can get carried away and lost in one of the worlds and they always reel me back. Lastly, of course, my dad and brother who have been there since day one of my TikTok journey! (And who never say no, well after some convincing... to my crazy video ideas)

Finally, what's next for Reagan Yorke?

I am so excited to start a new journey and make longer content on my YouTube channel! I have posted a few videos so far and have so much more content brewing! Being a film major and loving the entertainment industry, YouTube is the perfect divide between film and social media and this is straight where I’m headed. I definitely enjoy editing, as well as being in front of the camera, and can’t wait to see where this path goes! Long term, when I graduate in a year, I would also love to get into film through acting and directing. This is a whole new world for me and adventure awaits! 


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