Emma Oliver

Emma Oliver

Emma Oliver wears two different hats; one, as the singer/songwriter who has garnered over 600k plays on Spotify alone, and two, as a TikTok creator with nearly 450k followers. The Texas native has become popular on the app with her musical and comedic content, earning the creator over 8 million likes in just over a year. Emma has released two songs in 2020, “Sad Sometimes” and “i’m sorry, i miss you.” Both releases show the incredibly strong songwriting chops of the artist, who only began putting out music in her late teens. Emma says that TikTok has provided a new way to share music with others, which has certainly had an impact on the musician’s career. The artist’s newest single, “Nightmare on Dream Street” with loyalties, comes out soon. We recently spoke with Emma about her early music career, her prospects for the future, and more!

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I grew up in a small town called Waxahachie near Dallas. Growing up, I was always singing and songwriting. Some of the first songs I wrote and put out through SoundCloud when I was 17. I've released two songs this year, "Sad Sometimes" and "i'm sorry, i miss you" and TikTok has been a big part of my story this year.

What came first for you, music or humor? 

Professionally, music came first for me. I started writing and singing at a very young age, but the humor has always been there. I guess it's just a part of who I am.

How has your music career impacted your TikTok career and vice versa? 

Music has impacted my TikTok career by being able to share my music through the platform and gaining followers who began to like my music. TikTok has impacted my career because without the platform I don’t think my recent releases would have been as successful. It gave me a way to share my music to a lot of people.

What’s the coolest part of your duality in careers? 

Being able to have a sense of humor but to also be able to come down to a personal, deeper level through my music and let people know that it's ok to feel those sad emotions too.

What has internet fame taught you?

Not much, I'm really just out here having fun. But one thing it has taught me is that there are tons of people out there going through the same things I am. And they tell me that watching my TikTok videos or listening to my music is helping them get through whatever they are going through and THAT amazes me.

When it comes to music, what drives you to create? 

Anything really. I write a lot about scenarios and feelings I might have when put in those situations. Personal feelings and feelings I haven't even felt yet.

How about when it comes to TikTok? 

Now TikTok videos, those are  just the randomness that is my life haha.

I love your sound! Who are some artists that inspire it? 

THANK YOU!  I listen to a lot of Jeremy Zucker, Sasha Sloan, ODIE, 6lack, nothing, nowhere, JP Saxe, Post Malone, Julia Micheals, Paramore, Yoste. And many more.

One thing that’s made strikingly clear in both your TikToks and music is your strong sense of self. How did you develop your identity?

I deal with being sad and anxious most of the time. I always used to care what people think, and it put me in a very lonely state of mind. So I started trying to care less about that and care more for myself. It's helped me live better, and it makes me want to tell people to be who they want to be and to be proud of it. 

What does the future hold for you? Ideally, of course.

I hope to share more music with the world. I'm releasing another song in November. And hopefully when COVID is gone, I want to start touring and meeting my fans. I feel like I owe that to them.  


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