Gray Fagan

Gray Fagan

TikToker Gray Fagan (@boiohboii) has created quite a name for himself since his debut last year. The entertainer downloaded the app in early March of 2019, and has since spent this time perfecting his unique comedy style. Fagan refuses to conform to just one genre of content, often blending absurdist comedy with extremely well-edited videos. The disparity in style between his “Karen” sketches and his fake celebrity zoom videos just goes to show how creative he truly can get. He’s redefined the limits of what content on TikTok can truly be, and it’s earned him 431 thousand followers, with his videos regularly hitting the one million like threshold. Now, he hopes to continue creating content on the app, continuing to stretch his creative boundaries. We recently spoke with Gray about his start on the app, his aspirations as a filmmaker, and more!

Did you have any specific plans or ideas when you joined Tik Tok?

I actually downloaded TikTok back when it was embarrassing to even have the app, so I for sure didn’t even plan on making videos when I joined haha! However, it wasn’t long before I gave in and began posting. I’ve always enjoyed absurd comedy so my videos just naturally moved in that direction.

How would you describe the style of your videos?

I guess I kind of hinted at this in the last question! Absurd comedy is a way of describing my style. I say absurd because there’s no one word to describe my comedy since each video can be wildly different. One can be horror comedy, and the next can just be chaotic comedy. I’ve even played with musical comedy before haha, but I always have one intention with my videos, and that is to make you laugh! 

What’s helped you create this style?

I think my many hours watching YouTube skits and even my old vine days have helped shape this style. The two platforms helped me find my sense of humor and more importantly, the art of short form content.

Who’s your biggest comedic inspiration?

I LOVE Key and Peele. Their videos perfectly encapsulate my humor. Each video is completely different from the last, each visually and narratively unique, but always hella comedic. I strive to make content like them.

Who’s the TikToker of your choice for a collab? 

I would love to make a video with Jericho one day (@jericho1). His skits play out a lot like mine do so I know we have similar senses of humor. We are friends on the app and have talked before so I’m hoping it’s only a matter of time haha!

Do you want to branch out from TikTok?

Well, I am a film student hoping to move into feature film production after graduation, so eventually yes I’ll hope to branch out, but I don’t plan on halting my TikTok career anytime soon!


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