Jared Jones

By Ken Tse 
Jared Jones

Social Media star Jared Jones wasn’t always into TikTok. In fact, he thought nothing of the app until he and his friend made a couple videos of their own. But as we all know, TikTok is the place to be for instant viral success-- and for Jared, this means over 1.2 million followers in just one year! He says that the whole experience is a bit surreal. “TikTok has opened so many opportunities for me personally and helped me meet some lifelong friends…I have always been on the shy side when it comes to new people, but TikTok has helped me be way more comfortable around people and be myself.” Jones makes content that is sure to please, with his unique comedy and dance content earning him over 68 million likes on the app. We recently spoke with him about his favorite trends, how he creates a video, and more!

Let’s begin by discussing your start on the app. How did you first get into creating TikToks?

At first I didn’t even like TikTok because I thought it was stupid, but then my friend, Heaven,got me to make a couple with her one day so I decided to make an account and make my own.

You have one of the most diverse TikTok feeds that I’ve seen. How do you typically decide which content to create, which trends to follow?

For me it usually depends on the day, so for example in like a Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday my POVs don’t do their best, so I would do something more goofy or do a trending dance that’s out.

Which are some of your favorite TikTok trends out right now? What’s one that you want to bring back?

My favorite trend right now is “I like it like that” sound when everyone does a transition to show themselves in the mirror. For one to bring back, I can’t choose just one but I would want to bring back some of the old viral dances or sounds. 

1.1 million TikTok followers is no small number. What was your initial reaction to reaching one million and how has such social media success changed your life?

When I hit 1 million followers, I was in shock. I honestly didn’t know how to react. TikTok has opened so many opportunities for me personally and helped me meet some lifelong friends. 

Have you always been this outgoing? In what ways has TikTok helped or hurt this?

I have always been on the shy side when it comes to new people, but TikTok has helped me be way more comfortable around people and be myself.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?

Super-speed, because that has multiple powers within itself. 

What are some of the things you enjoy doing outside of TikTok? Have you incorporated some of these hobbies into your content at all?

Outside of TikTok, I like to work out, and I love to go thrift shopping and sometimes I’ll incorporate those into videos.

Describe your TikToks in three words.

Goofy, creative, and personal 

What advice do you have for a new, up and coming TikToker?

For new TikTokers, I would just say stay consistent in making videos.

Lastly, anything to plug? What’s next from Jared Jones?

I don’t know what’s next for me, but definitely big things are coming.


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