

When North Carolina’s Kaleb Nicholson joined TikTok, it was initially all a joke. The Clermont native attended Bandys High School where he played football and was active in choir and theatre. 1.1 million followers later, Nicholson (@lilgoofball) is seemingly the next best thing on the app. His videos where he jokingly interviews unsuspecting participants have become a major hit. Nicholson hits his interviewees with awkward questions that range from “Can I be your stepbrother?” to “On a scale of 1-10, how attractive do you find yourself?” However, his staple question is seemingly “When’s the last time you cried?” And, the viewers like it. 24.7 million times, to be exact! We recently spoke with Kaleb about his hobbies, TikTok opinions, and more!

Did you have any specific plans or ideas when you joined Tik Tok?

I did TikTok as a joke honestly, but then I started the interview videos after a creator by the name of @Tommyunhold. Then I start to blow up a little bit. I took 6 months off when I went to college and then started back in December.

It really takes some type of guts to do what you’ve been doing on the platform. Is this confidence something you’ve always had?

I’ve never been scared of anyone. And I don’t care what people think of me. So when I walk up to someone I don’t think of it as anything and if they reject me I move on.

Who would you say is, or are your biggest idols?

My number one idol is Danny Duncan. I love that man and I hope to meet him one day. My second idol would be JJ Watt. I always looked up to him in football and he taught me, “If you want something, go get it,” and that’s what I live by.

Would you ever consider taking on a career on social media from this success?

Yes! I love TikTok and social media. It’s always been a dream of mine to become a YouTuber and big TikToker. I hit 1 million followers on TikTok on June 14th and I’m starting a YouTube channel on June 26th. I will be doing fun Vlogs and pranks on YouTube!

What are some of your favorite (non social media) activities?

I love playing guitar, playing all sports (basketball, football, etc.). I love hanging with friends and traveling. But most of all, I love going out and making videos. 


Connie Chong